Twenty-Second Door

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The sun had just risen in the sky the following morning. It was six a.m., and Alcina was already up, getting her and Clementine's clothes ready for their excursion to the reservoir. Clementine was still sleeping on the bed, enveloped in the thick silk covers, and as much as Alcina wanted to stare at her till she wakes up she can't since they'd be late.

"Clementine," Alcina said, a little shrug of her shoulder to wake her.

As the tall lady shook her, she muttered a few words.

"It's time for you to get up; we're going to be late."

Clementine sat down on the bed and let out a yawn after eventually opening her eyes and rubbing them.

"I'm still sleepy, and it's your fault," she whispered as she struggled to stay awake.

"What exactly do you mean by me?" Alcina cocked her head. "Borrowing the girls' console was your idea."

She rose up from the bed and extended her arms, saying, "Only since you mentioned you wanted to try playing it, I did you a favor."

Alcina rolled her eyes, jokingly, "I'm accepting half the blame." She remarked, pointing to the clothing in the armchair, "Go take a shower and wear that."

She sat down in her chair and examined the garments Alcina had allocated her to wear. "These aren't my clothes," her brows met.

"Those are Bela's, but she didn't like it the first time she saw it, and she never used it once, I think they're a good fit for you; I went into your room to look for some things, but all you have are oversized shirts and pajamas."

"Because i'm not from here and I don't really have clothes. I just made those in the sewing room."

Alcina chuckled. "Go and take a shower and change."

"How about you? Have you had a shower already?"

Alcina shook her head. "I'm letting you go in first because you'll be impatient to wait for me finish."

"I see, you're one of those girls who spends hours in shower. I understand," she nodded her head.

"Just go in there and hurry up," Alcina rolled her eyes.

"Yes ma'am!" She responded before going inside.

She changed into the clothing Alcina handed her after her five-minute shower. She was dressed in a white button-down shirt, khaki pants, and her white high cut sneakers, which she already had when she arrived here. Alcina was still in the shower, so she stood in front of the vanity, wrapping her hair into a high ponytail with a scarf while she waited for her to finish. A knock on the door made her stop looking at herself in front of the vanity.

"Clementine? Could you check who that is? I'm very sure it's Daniela," from inside the restroom, Alcina said.

"All right," she replied.

She approached the bedroom door and opened it to find no one but a single rose, which she picked up and looked around for the person who had left it hoping to see whoever that is. She re-entered the room and shut the door, and Alcina emerged from the bathroom wearing the same clothes as her.

"So? Who is it, exactly?" She inquired.

Clementine shrugged her shoulders. "Someone left you a rose on your door," she raised the rose to Alcina.

Alcina cocked her head. "That's strange."

"Perhaps one of the girls left it?"

"No, the girls would give me something personally if they wanted to. Those three enjoy competing to see who has the best gift," she giggled and rolled her eyes.

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