Sixteenth Door

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In Castle Dimitrescu, weeks flew by in a flash. Clementine was enjoying her time as the family's personal maid, and Cassandra had been pleasant to her thus far, which she had not expected. Bela treats her more like a friend now rather than a maid, and Daniela treats her the same way she always does, but this time the girl is more attached to her. She's made a lot of friends among the servants, and her connection with the girls is going well, but what about Alcina and her? What is their current relationship status? The answer is...

Clementine let out a sigh as she whipped the icing into the bowl.

"Is it done yet?" Daniela took a glance.

Bela pouted her lips and said, "Clemy, I'm starving."

"I'm starving to death," Cassandra stated emphatically.

She shook her head and rolled her eyes. "Didn't I tell you to be patient?"

"We've been here for over an hour!" Bela groaned.

Clementine sighed once more. "We've been here for thirty minutes, Lady Bela. I'm currently cooling down the cupcakes while prepping the icing."

Daniela quipped, "I'm going to tell mother you're starving us."

"Go ahead and let her torture me for real," she replied jokingly.

"As if mother would really torture you," Cassandra muttered.

"What was that?" She turned her attention to Cassandra.

"I said finished the icing so we can finally eat!" She giggled.

Clementine focused on the icing, which was finally the texture she desired. She filled a piping bag with icing and then began putting the icing on top of the cupcakes. As they watched her, the three girls squealed in delight.

"I'm already drooling!" Bela said while biting her lower lip.

"Can we top it with sprinkles?" Daniela inquired, her chin resting on Clementine's shoulder.

"Of course, the sprinkles are on the third cupboard," she said, pointing to the white cabinet.

Cassandra pulled the jar of sprinkles on the cabinet and opened it. Daniela was with Clementine, trying to apply icing on the cupcakes by herself, while Cassandra and Bela started putting sprinkles on the cupcakes with icing.

This is what happened after her fake death. Cassandra is attempting to learn more about her and Bela has gone soft with her. She's only been here for a few weeks, yet she already feels like she's been here for a month. Because she enjoys her time here, the thought of The Duke almost escaped her mind, but she still needed answers as to why she was here.

"At long last, we're done!" Daniela was ecstatic.

"Good work, girls; you were quite helpful today but only for today," she joked.

"What can we say, we're a trio!" Bela exclaimed with pride.

"Let's take these cupcakes to Mother!" Cassandra took a small leap.

"That's a great idea; tell her the three of you did it."

"You're not going to come?" Daniela's lips were pursed.

She shaked her head "I still have to clean the kitchen."

"We have a large number of servants that are capable of doing so. Come along with us!" Cassandra said, holding her wrist.

She shook her head once more. "I can't destroy your family time by being present, girls. I can't go and spoil that because your mother has been busy these past few weeks and hasn't been able to bond with the three of you."

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