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Ricky and I have been married for almost 5 months now! It's been going absolutely amazing. Except the past few days I've felt like shit. I've had the worst stomach cramps and I feel extremely sick to my stomach. And I haven't gotten my ~devils waterfall~ yet when it could of happened a week ago. I also noticed I gained a little bit of weight .. So I decided it was time to take a pregnancy test.

While Ricky was out with the guys I went to the store down the road and walked to the pharmacy section. I grabbed a test and went to pay. The man at the register gave me dirty looks the entire time. Which isn't something I'm not used to.

When I got home I was terrified to take the test. It took me 30 minutes to finally do it. I decided not to look at the results until Ricky got home.

About a hour passed and he finally arrived home. I looked up from the couch and smiled at him.

"Hey, you feel any better darling?" He said as he took off his hoodie.

"No..and uhm..there's something I want to talk to you about." I was so scared to think about this. I had no idea what the results were, and I had no idea how Ricky would react.

"Okay, what's up?" He sat down and put his arm around me.

"I'm having pregnancy synonyms..so I decided to take a test.." I looked down, I felt bad for not telling him about doing this beforehand.

"Holy shit uhm..what were the results?"

"I wanted to wait for you to get home to look.." He lifted my head up and made me look at him. My eyes were filled with tears. I was terrified about this whole thing.

"Listen, if you are, it's going to be okay. I know you probably think I'm mad at you, I'm not. I appreciate that you decided to wait. I promised to you no matter happens I'm not leaving, and I meant it. So if you are, I'll help you get through this the best I can." Hearing this gave me all of the reassurance I needed.

"Thank you..c-can we go check.." He nodded and we both walked to the bathroom. I carefully picked up the test which was facing down so we couldn't see the results.

"You ready?" He stared down at the test, I could tell he was just as scared as I am.

"Yes.." I slowly turned it over and my mouth dropped. "Oh my god.." Its positive.

"Holy..holy shit, I'm gonna be a dad!" Ricky hugged me tightly and carefully picked me up, spinning me around. Him being this excited helped me feel better.

"We're finally going to have a family!" I buried my face in his neck. Yes, I was excited. But I was still scared. I have no idea how to take care of a child, what if I'm the worst parent ever?

Ricky put me back down and kneeled down a bit, having his face at the same level as my stomach.

"Hey little guy or girl, I'm your dad, and I'm going to take real good care of you when your born." My heart melted seeing him like this.

"Awww. Babe your gonna be a great father." He looked up at me and stood back up.

"You sure you're ready for this?" He tucked my hair behind my ear.

"Ready as I'll ever be!" I hopped that was the truth. He put my hand on my stomach carefully.

"Just wait until the rest of the band hears, they'll be so excited about this!" He lightly rubbed my stomach. "It feels like you already have a really small baby bump."

"How far along do you think I am?" I put my hand on his.

"Maybe about 3 weeks..we have to make doctor appointments for it to be sure." I nodded and leaned against him.

"I hope this isn't as stressful as I heard it can be.." I looked at the ground.

"Even if it is you know I'll help you the best I can. We'll get through this together." I smiled and kissed him.

"When should we make the first doctor appointment?" Ricky looked at his phone to check the time.

"It's only 2 so they should still be open, we can call now and book one." I smiled and went on my phone to find the number we had to call.

"Okay I'm calling now." I dialed the number and put it on speaker.

The conversation was mostly them asking what my symptoms are and then finally booking the appointment. We were able to get in really fast, the appointment is tomorrow at 11.

Rickys POV

-at the doctor-

We were waiting in the room for the doctor to come in and do whatever they had to do. It seemed like it took almost forever for them to come in. But in reality it was only 5 minutes.

"How are you two today?" The doctor came in and closed the door behind him.

"Good I think.." Y/N was scared for what the doctor was going to say. She had been worrying about it all morning.

"Alright, so what we're doing today is taking an ultrasound. This will just show us how far along you are, when the due date should be, and about how big the baby is." I held Y/Ns had to try to help her stay calm.

The doctor had the screen for the ultrasound set up to where we both could see it. He carefully put it on Y/Ns stomach and stared at the screen as he did it.

"You see that small speck there?" He pointed at the middle of the screen and we both nodded. "That there is your baby." Y/N covered her mouth with her hand and got tears in her eyes.

"Aww, it's so tiny." I stared at the screen and smiled.

"Judging by the size you're about 5 weeks in. The due date should be November 8th. Come back in about 6 weeks and we can figure out the gender." He took off the ultrasound and we were able to go.

"You sure you're ready for all of this?" I asked her as we got into the car.

"Yeah, im just a little nervous..im not to good with kids." She fidgeted with her hands and looked down.

"Hey, you're going to be amazing at all of this. I believe in you."

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