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I just moved to a new neighborhood,it's near Scranton, Pennsylvania. It's a fresh start for me, new school, new people, and now I live with my father. My parents had got a divorce a few years ago and my mother recently lost custody of me after she had gotten back on drugs. I'm not happy about living with my father, we've never gotten along very well. However, after this year I can move out if I have enough money. After all, I'm 17 and this will be my senior year of high school once summer break ends.

"Y/N, wake up. I'm going to show you around the town today." I groaned as my father woke me up.

"Give me ten more minutes asshole." I said this as I glared at him.

"What did a tell you about calling me that?! Get ready to go." He walks out of my room and closes the door behind him. I sit up and stretch a bit. I then look at the mirror in front of my bed.

"God I look like shit." I say as I get out of my bed. I walked to my closet to choose my outfit. I decided on my favorite Slipknot tshirt, black ripped jeans, fishnets, and a black zip up hoodie. I place the hoodie on my bed, grabbed a towel, and take the rest of my outfit to the bathroom.

After I get my shower, I dry off and begin to get dressed. I put your fishnets on and slipped my ripped jeans over them. I put my shirt on and tucked it into my jeans. I dry my hair and straighten it. I grab my makeup bag and put on thick eyeliner, smokey eyeshadow, and some mascara. I brushed my teeth and took one final look in the mirror to be sure I looked good enough to be in public. Once I walk out of the bathroom, my dad calls for me from the living room.

"The town is very small. So after I show you around you can go on your own and look at what you want to. Showing you around will only take about 15 minutes." he said as he turned off the tv.

"Alright. That's fine as long as I get a break from here." He rolled his eyes when I said this. He looks at me and sighs.

"You know you can wear some color for once, right?" He gives you a disgusted look.

"When are we leaving?" I ignored your fathers insult. This is one of the many things I didn't miss about living with him.

"As soon as you get some shoes on." He says this as he lightly pushes me to your room.

I walked into my room and put my black out vans on and my hoodie. I sigh and walk back to the living room.

"Okay, I'm ready." We walk outside and to the car.

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