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We just landed and are on our way to get our bags from the baggage claim, which is also where we will be meeting my aunt Marie. We get to where our bags are supposed to be and then I hear my aunt Marie's voice.

"Y/N! OVER HERE!" We walk to her and see she has already got our bags for us. She wraps her arms around me and gives me such a tight hug, to the point where I lost a bit of air.

"Oh look at how you've grown!" She looks up and sees Ricky and smiles. "And you must be the man I've heard so much about. Come here, give me a hug!" Ricky smiles awkwardly and hugs her.

"It's nice to meet you." Ricky says as he pulls back from the hug.

-sometime later-

My aunt Marie has us sit on the couch and looks at us and smiles.

"Aren't you two just the cutest couple ever. You best treat her good young man." She looks at Ricky.

"Trust me, I am. She's in good hands." He pulls me close.

"Oh no..I only have one guest room. Are you two okay with sleeping in the same bed?" She seems very serious now. Her emotions always changed so fast.

"We are, we actually live together so we're used to it." I smile and place a kiss on Rickys cheek after saying this.

"Oh, well then. Just no messing around if you know what I mean." She winks at us. Of course, both me and Ricky become a blushing mess.

"We haven't even thought about doing that." Ricky laughs awkwardly and looks down at me.

"Go get some rest you two, it's gonna be a long day tomorrow." She points us to our room.

Once we get to our room we both changed into our pajamas and laid down. And of course, Ricky noticed I was upset.

"Honey, are you okay?" He looks deep into my eyes.

"Yes..I'm just not ready for tomorrow. It's going to be so hard.." Ricky puts his hand on my thigh and puts his other arm around my shoulders.

"I know it will be, but I'll be right here with you the entire time. If it gets to overwhelming we can leave early, okay?" I nod and kissed him. He always made me feel so safe. That's one of the many things I love about him so much.

We hear a knock on the door and I sigh. "Come in aunt Marie"

"You two doing okay? Ohh, you two didn't leave the room to change did you?" She smirks at us.

"No, we didn't. But I didn't look at her change, I was on my phone I promise." Ricky reassures her.

"Okay you two, have fun. Holler if you need anything." She winks and closes the door behind her as she walks out. I look up at him.

"Liar." I laugh a bit.

"Hm, what'd I lie about?" She smiles at me.

"You we're laughing at me because my zipper wouldn't come done. You were watching me you liar." I pretended to seem mad at him to see what he'd do.

"Oh no, the angry voice I'm so scared." He laughs at me and I interrupt his laughing with a kiss.

"I love you, pervert." I smirk.

"I am not, how was I supposed to not look when you were screaming about not getting your zipper to work. You're such a dork."

"Oh shut up." I crawl on top of him and lay down. "You're comfy.."

"Mm..if you say so." He plays with my hair a bit.

"Can I sleep on you..I feel safer here.." I lay my head on his chest.

"Of course you can sweetheart. Now you should get some rest for tomorrow." Before he could even say this, I was already falling asleep. His voice, him playing with my hair, and laying on him all comforted me so much, I fell asleep within seconds.

Rickys POV

-the next morning-

I woke up to find that Y/N hadn't moved at all, she still had her face buried on my chest and was still on top of me.

"Babe..wake up." I carefully rolled her off of me and shook her a bit.

"Five more minutes asshole.." She really isn't a morning person. I can't really blame her.

"You have to get up, please." She opens one eye and looks at me.

"What's in it for me?" She smiles a bit.

"Hm..you get a choice, I'll let you get a shower before me, I know how much you love being first at things, or you can get to know your birthday preset."

"My birthday isn't for another month..and why can't we just get a shower together.." My mouth dropped.

"Y-you wanna..shower together?" She laughs at me and sits up.

"Well, yes. But with a swimsuit on I don't wanna see that stuff yet." She kisses me and rolls out of bed. "So, can we? It saves water."

"I..uhm yes." This is gonna be .. interesting.

-a while later after they're all ready and dressed-

"My eye still fucking burns." She looks at me and crosses her arms.

"Well it's not my fault you thought it was a good idea to mess up my hair when it had shampoo in it then you rubbed your eye." She can be so stupid at times but god I love her so much.

"Ugh..I can't stay mad at you can I." She wrapped her arms around my neck and I wrapped mine around her waste. I kissed her and laid my forehead on hers.

"I love you, Ricky." She says quietly and looks into my eyes.

"I love you to, my angel." I push the hair out of her face.

While the night and morning at her aunts house has been fun, it's time to go back to reality. In a hour we'll be at her mothers funeral, which I can already tell is going to hurt Y/N so much. After all, she has to see her own mother get buried. Who wouldn't be effected from this.

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