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TW//death, drugs


-6 weeks later-

It's officially 4 weeks into the tour, and it's been a blast! I've really gotten to get to know the rest of the members of rickys band, they're all so nice to me. Especially Vinny, for who knows what reason why. Ricky has gotten me in the front row for each and every show. The feeling I get watching him on stage is amazing. Seeing my beautiful boy doing what he loves most, having a smile on his face almost the whole time.

As I lay there zoning out in Ricky and I's bunk on the tour bus, I feel a arm wrap around my waist. I come back to reality and look at Ricky. He smiles at me and hands me my phone.

"Your dad has called you five times. Guess you should call back.." I immediately sat up.

"I thought he wouldn't want to talk to me anymore. Yknow after he threw me out of the house." I laid my head on Rickys shoulder and dialed my fathers number. I took a deep sigh and put my phone to my ear.

"Hello?" I could tell I just woke him up from a nap, he sounded like he was dying as he always does when he first wakes up.

"Hi. What do you want." I tried to make it as clear as possible that I didn't want to be calling him after what he had done to me.

"We'll aren't you happy." He sounded so cold, as usual. "I wanted to give you some news I think you'll find important."

"What is it?" The first thing that came to my mind was he found a reason for me to leave Ricky, I knew he hasn't liked him since we had gotten together.

"Your aunt Marie called, your mother had an overdose and well, you can figure out the rest." I felt my heart drop to my stomach. There's no way she's gone. Before I left her house to live with my father she said she's starting to get clean. This can't be happening.

"W-what.." I bit my lip so hard it felt like it was about to start bleeding. I grabbed rickys hand as tight as I could.

"Her funeral is this Monday. I have no idea where you are since your on tour with that boyfriend of yours, but if you want to go I'll send you the address." He really seemed like he couldn't give a shit. Hell, he's probably smiling about it.

"Please do..I've got to go." I hung up and broke down into tears.

"Hey..babe what's wrong? What did he say?" Ricky held me close in his arms and gently ran his fingers through my hair.

"My mom..she's dead.." Saying these words made me cry even more. I buried my face in Rickys chest, trying to comfort myself.

"Oh my god.." I felt ricky hold me even tighter than before. "I'm so sorry babe..are you going to be alright?"

"No..I..I have to go to her funeral. Babe I'm sorry I have to leave but this is the last time I'll ever see her..I have to.." I really didn't want to leave him, but what choice did I have.

"I can't let you go on your own, not like this. I'm coming with you, we can have one of our friends replace me for as long as we'll be gone." Ricky lifted my head up a bit and smiled at me.

"But babe..the tour makes you happy..I can't take that away from you.." The tears continued to roll down my face.

"Well, there's one thing that makes me a lot happier. And that's you. I promise I'll be here with you for everything. I'm going to go talk to the guys and get everything worked out. Then we'll get the next flight there, okay?" I nodded as he got up and walked outside. I feel so guilty for making him leave the tour. I could tell he was disappointed..but I'm so glad he's understanding with this.

-around 20 minutes later-

Ricky walked back inside the tour bus and sat next to me. He wiped the tears off of my face and smiled.

"Babe, they said it's okay. Someone is coming to replace me for the next five days. That's long enough right?"

"That's perfect, thank you so much." I bear hugged him very tightly.

"We have to get packed, the next flight out is in six hours." He kissed my cheek and we both hurried up and packed.

On the way to the air port, I talked to my aunt and we'll be staying there for the next four days. I never thought going back to my moms house would be so hard.

After we went through security and got to the gate for our flight, I remember how terrified I am of planes.

"Ricky..I'm scared. What if.." I trailed off for a second and then continued talking, but much quieter this time, almost a whisper. "..what if it crashes.."

"My love, it's not going to crash. We're going to be alright." He held my hand. "I promise everything is going to be okay. Please don't worry about anything."

Before we knew it, it was time to get onto the plane. This is going to be the hardest trip of my life, knowing that I'll have to see my mother in her lifeless form..

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