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Rickys POV

Two months go by and tour has finally ended and we're back home. I wasn't able to get Y/N a birthday present while on tour so we decided to go to the mall today so she can do some shopping for herself and I'll go get her late gift.

Once we get there, she immediately runs off to hot topic. I walk around and find a jewelry store. I walk inside and look around until I find a beautiful black diamond necklace that comes with a ring that matches it.

"Excuse me, sir. Could I look at this necklace?" The man walks over and unlocks the glass case and takes out the necklace and ring.

"You know this comes with a ring, correct?" He places them ontop of the glass case.

"Yes sir." I say picking them up to look at them closer.

"This for a girlfriend?" He looks up at me.

"Yes sir it is." The man smiles.

"Do you plan on proposing?" He glares at the ring.

"Yes sir." My eyes went wide after saying this. Did that really just come out of my mouth? Yes I've thought about having a future with her, but not this soon.

"I wish you the best of luck then. Are you ready to check out?" He starts walking over to the register.

"Yes sir." I pay and put the bag inside of my jacket pocket. Maybe I can just give her the necklace and save the ring for when I do finally decide it's time to take that step. I took the bag out of my pocket and put the ring in another pocket so she didn't see it when I gave her the bag with the necklace. I look up and see Y/N running to me.

"You ready babe? I'm exhausted from all that shopping."

"Yep. I'll give you your gift in the car." I smile at her.

"Babe you really didn't have to.." We hold each other's hand and start walking to the exit.

"Yes I did." When we got into the car I handed her the bag. "Happy late birthday my love." She opens the bag and pulls out the necklace.

"Oh my god..babe it's beautiful!! Thank you so much!" She hugs me as tight as she possibly could and then put the necklace on. "How does it look on me?"

"It looks stunning, just like the girl wearing it." She blushes and kisses me. "Alright let's get home and I'll make you some dinner."

"What's for dinner tonight babe?" She says looking down, admiring her new necklace.

"How's pasta sound?" I put one of my hands on her thigh and keep the other on the wheel.

"That sounds perfect. Thanks babe."

-as they eat dinner-

My mind is going through so many thoughts. Do I want to propose? Is it to early? What if she says no? What if she feels to rushed and leaves me? That's the last thing I want. Maybe I can talk it over with the guys, see what they think I should do.

"Are you okay? You aren't eating much.." I look up to see Y/N staring at me with worry filled eyes.

"Yeah I'm okay, just thinking that's all." She rolls spaghetti on her fork and looks back up at me.

"Do you want to talk about it? You know I'm here for you, right?"

"No it's okay, it's nothing important. I promise." I smiled at her. "Well..I'll talk to you about it when I'm ready."

"Oookay...is this a good or bad thing?" Shes so hard to reassure sometimes.

"It's good. I promise, it's a very good thing."

"Alrighty, if you say so. Now please eat something." She gives me those worried eyes again.

"I am, see?" I take a few bites of the pasta and she smiles at me.

"Good." She picks up her plate and takes it to the kitchen to rinse off.

I quickly pull out my phone and text the group chat for the band.

Hey guys..I'm thinking about proposing. Is it to early? - Ricky

Go with your gut don't make us pick - Ryan

I think right now is perfect, look at how in love you two are. I say you should do it - Vinny

Do it - Justin

Like Ryan said go with your gut - Chris

Alright if you guys are sure, I'll plan something out. It has to be perfect for her. - Ricky

I put my phone down on the table. I have to think of the perfect way to do this. Maybe a romantic dinner or maybe by the sunset? What time? What day? There's so much thinking I've got to do now.

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