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We've officially been engaged for 3 weeks now and we've already done so much planning. We know who's coming, where we want if to be, and who all is going to be in the wedding. Except who's going to walk me down the isle, because we aren't inviting my dad. And who's going to be my maid of honor, since I don't have any friends outside of the guys in the band.

"I don't know who can walk me down the isle I'd say you could but weddings don't work like that..why is this so stressful." I laid my head down on the desk.

"Maybe Justin could do it? I'm sure he'd have no problem with it." He lightly rubbed my back to try to calm me down.

"That would be great actually.. what about the maid of honor?" I said still with my head down.

"We'll figure something out, we still have time. We're trying to do this in October, it's still only May so we'll find someone." I say up and looked at him.

"Who would want to. I don't know anyone who would other than my cousin but she's in Florida..I guess I can ask her.." I pulled out my phone and pulled up her number.

Hey Jess it's Y/N .. this is so random I know, but I'm engaged and we're aiming to have the wedding in October around Halloween..would you be willing to be the maid of honor? - Y/N

Omg it's amazing! I'm so happy for you. Ofc I'll be your maid of honor, just give me a date and time and I'll be there hun. x - Jess

"Babe she said she'll do it! It's all finally working out!" I looked down at the ring and smiled. Man am I the luckiest girl in the world.

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