And Another.

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Ava's POV.

After I killed the two of them, I called the others in conference and checked if they all were okay. Apparently, this time around, Aldrik attacked all of us. And I know there has been an attack in Greece and other parts of the world upon the supernatural.

His army must be reduced to a great level. All I can think of is that Aldrik is just getting a little too restless because the day for his end is in a week. Or maybe he is just restless because he never knows what we are planning.

I and Aldrik are at the same level as of now, because both of us can't do much. Our hands and feet are tied and we don't have much freedom to pursue what we have to do. He cannot directly conquer the humans and I cannot let the humans know of the existence of creatures like me. Because then, we'd be in a science lab with several tubes sticking out of us.

That would be awful.

I healed Kayden because deep down I knew that I was a healer. And his shoulder was badly injured so was my chest. I guess the  Draugr broke my rib, but I healed it just how I healed Kayden. It seemed as if my ice cream comment made him a little too happy because his cheeks turned red and his eyes showed an emotional of pure reverence.

I got the ice cream and even packed some for mamma. She was asking to have blueberry ice cream with mango ice cream and pineapple topping. The man who handed me the box actually cringed when I told him about it. But then glanced at my stomach and smiled.

"He thought I was pregnant." I laughed.

"And he thought I was the father because he said all the best to me." Kayden laughed alongside me. His laughter a deep rumble coming from deep in his throat.

"Oh god. Mamma's cravings are the weirdest."

"Yours would be the same."

"No. I mean I don't know. I haven't been pregnant yet!"

He smiled at me then again took my hand in his and walked me back to my car. I didn't know I could have so much fun with him. He was always so brooding and cold, but today the Kayden I saw, who joked, who had sass, who laughed, who smiled, who enjoyed and made sure I enjoyed too, was what I had always seen deep beneath him. Kayden really meant it when he said that he would try for me.

This was probably one of those days where I forgot about all the problems in my life. My mother and father, my assaulters, my traumas, my abuse, everything. It was just him and me.

"I had fun. It was great being with you. Who knew you could be fun." I joked and patted his chest.

"That only means that we should do this again. You'd get to know me." He smirked at me.

"Of course we will." I said. My eyes couldn't move away from his face. Try as I might, I just wanted to be with him. To be closer to him. Why were our kisses never enough?

Kayden leaned forward, and I did the same, leaning up to kiss his lips. Those damned lips that I find myself attracted to. But then the thought of Stephanie crossed my mind and I immediately felt like the worst person. I let Kayden cheat on her with me. And I kissed him back. That is so wrong. She'd be devastated.

"Kayden, no." I whispered. The grief was thick in my voice and I know he heard it too. But I can't do this anymore, even if I have to let go of my stupid crush for him. A girl deserves better and being a girl myself, I can't let him cheat on her. If I were her, I know for sure I'd be heartbroken. So I can't do that to Stephanie.


"You're with her. You cheated on her. It's so wrong Kayden."

He stared at me for some time but then grabbed my shoulders and made me look up at him. "I was never dating her. We weren't a thing. And whatever it was, has ended. I ended things with her the other day itself. I'm sorry you had to see that."

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