The Search.

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No matter how much I try to avoid thinking about Sophia's strange time, I can't. It always comes back to that one thing. Why did she say it at that particular moment? She had many chances, but she chose that one specific time. I suspect her and have been weary of her ever since she began living under my roof, which was two days ago.

I and Sophia have made small talks, but we haven't spoken about anything important. She seems like she is in her own world, she looks so innocent and I feel somewhere deep down that she is innocent, but I still wonder what she really is up to.

The hallway was quiet. I didn't really think that anyone would be in the school so early. I had to look for some things and I decided to come into the school early to do so. Wasn't pleased to wake up super early today, but I did it anyway. I heard voices coming from around the corner. I wonder who was so early in school.

There it was. The sight that I wish I could wash away. At that moment I wondered why I ever began seeing. Kayden stood there half naked with just his sweatpants and a girl hooked onto his waist. Her legs wrapped around his waist and she was almost naked if you don't count the skimpy panties she was wearing. They were kissing. In the janitor's closet. With the door open.

How stupid can someone be? Do they not have any sense of privacy?

"Sorry." I squeaked and turned around immediately and walked away from there. Now that was really awkward. I wish to never see that again. I wish that before I see something like that God takes away my eyesight. I would prefer that over being scarred for life.

But then when I was in a hurry to get away from there I saw someone on the rooftop. On the other building. The person, although had a blurry face since I was seeing them from so far, their face held this condensing look that made me want to hide in a cave and never come out. He looked evil. Pure evil.

Deciding that he could be the bad guy here, I made a run for that building's terrace. I know that it was probably a stupid idea because this is where I get killed or kidnapped, but I need answers and if I don't get them I am going to go insane.

Running up the stairs I felt as if I was destined to be here. Like this was my place. A strong pull was attracting me to that place, and I gave into that pull. By the time I reached the metal doors of the terrace, I was almost out of breath and ready to pass out with how loud and hard my heart was beating due to all the running. I felt it in my throat, my chest and my cheeks. Hell, my whole face was throbbing to the beats of my heart.

I pushed the door open and walked in with all the strength I could muster. The air around me felt tense, I could sense emotion in the air. It was hatred and pure rage. So much so that I staggered back with the intensity of the emotions.

How could I feel that? Is there something to me that I know? Am I not who I think I am?

"Hello? Anybody here?" I called out as there was no one in sight. I didn't find the person here. They could have left, but something tells me that they haven't.

I walked around searching for them but I didn't find them. Then I heard a very distant yet aggressive yell of my name. I walked to the fence of the building and looked down to see Kayden angrily searching for me. He looked furious.

"What?" I yelled back. He looked around and then finally looked up. His eyes widened as he looked at something behind me. I turned around to see no one there.

"What are you doing up there? Come down immediately. Don't make me repeat Ava." Kayden demanded. I wasn't having any more of his bullshit.

"Piss of Kayden. I don't take orders from you." With that, I turned around to face the same person. Up close he looked very different. His face seemed as mature as possible, but his age seemed to be no more than 23. It was like, he was old, really old, but he didn't age.

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