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"Are you okay?" Kayden asked me.

I looked at him in complete shock. Did he speak to me? Willingly? That's new. But I know why he is talking to me. He just feels guilty and now he is here to pity me. I don't want his damned pity. I didn't answer him and soon he got the memo so he didn't try to talk to me after that.

We were in the economics class and for some strange reason he always sat beside me. And if anyone else so happens to sit beside me, he would just glare at them and they'd walk away. I wanted to confront him, but for that, I would have to talk to him and after my episode, that's a big no.

After the class, I packed my bags and left, walking as fast as possible to get away from him. But he is way taller than me and he has long legs. It's not fair. Subconsciously a pout formed on my lips thinking of how people always ignore me because I'm short. They surpass me in the queues, at malls or even at a small grocery store. That's really embarrassing. In a crowd, I feel like a little kid because I can't see anything and then everyone starts pushing each other which causes panic. So I avoid crowded places.

"Hi." An overly cheery voice said from my left. I turned to see an average girl standing there grinning up at Kayden. It wasn't her looks that were average. Looks can never be average. It was her personality. Her voice was fake. Her smile seemed too saccharine. And her eyes screamed evil. She tried too hard to be noticed.

"What do you want Kayla?" Kayden asked in a cold tone that send chills down my spine. It was so rude. But maybe they do have a past. I looked at Kayden to see him already looking at me. I gave him a slight nod, and walked away, but was he having it? No. He held my wrist firmly. "You're not going anywhere until I'm done with you."

That sounded gross.

"You fucking her?" I wasn't the only one to think that. Kayla glared at me. Is this gonna be some type of high school drama thing where she warns me to stay away from her man, and then constantly acts bitchy with me?

"Get lost Kayla." He spat at her. I looked to where he held my hand. It looked so small in his. For some strange reason, I liked that. My small hand in his big ones. Even as a kid, I was fascinated when papa John used to hold my small hands in his. I would stare at our hands for hours on end.

Maybe because it felt safe. The way he always held my hand, and made sure that I knew that he would be there at every step of my life, made me like my little hands in his. Right now as Kayden holds my hand, I feel this warmth wash over me. His hold on my hand is surprisingly gentle. But he could easily crush my tiny hand if he wanted to.

I looked up to see him looking at the hands then at my face. I furrowed my brows at him but he didn't even look away. Kayden looked at me like he was seeing me for the first time and the last time. Like if he blinked, I would fade away. It was a warm gesture but I wasn't sure if I should read too much into things.

"What?" I asked him, now suddenly uneasy under his gaze.

"You-" Before he could finish I pulled him closer to me and just as he moved from his place we both saw a big stone crashing into the walls of the hallway. If I didn't pull him closer, he would have been severely injured.

Freeing my hand from his I walked towards the stone and picked it up. There was something written on it in a foreign language that I couldn't decipher, but I surely will. This is gonna be with me until find out what the hell is going on. It's not normal for these types of things to happen. First the fire, now this attack on Kayden. If this is a prank then it's sick.

"What is written on it?" He asked me.

"I don't know. But tomorrow I will know."

"Why did you pull me towards you?" Kayden questioned with his eyes narrowed and a steely gaze. I looked at him feeling confused and annoyed with these things happening around me.

"Because I felt like it. It's an instinct. Has been happening for a long time." The first time it happened was when we were out in the market. I pushed Joanna in the opposite direction. The place where she was previously standing sunk into the ground. Then this one time when the helpers were working in the kitchen I closed the oven and pulled out the plug. The oven began producing smoke. If I hadn't closed it, there would have been a fire in the house and severe damage to the help. Also this one time a lady had her baby trolly by her side but she was talking on the phone. I felt the urge to go up to the trolley and shift it towards the left. Just as I did, a car shifted past the place where the trolly was.

"Sotera." Kayden whispered to himself but I heard him.

"What is that?" I asked him.

"None of your business." He snapped.

I shrugged and pulled out google and searched Sotera. The results stated that she was the Greek spirit or goddess of safety, deliverance and preservation.

Why would he say Sotera then?

The events happening around me are not natural. Not only just this but others too. At first, I ignored them thinking that they were mere coincidences but I don't think it's a coincidence anymore. There is more to this world than just what I was forced to believe. I find it hard to believe that it's all-natural because it's not.

I looked at Kayden and then walked away towards the parking lot. "Where are you going?" He followed me.

"Back to my house." I replied stiffly.

"I'll come with you."

"No you will not. Stop ordering people around." I faced him with my chest heaving due to the brisk walk and shouting at him. While my chest was heaving, he stood there perfectly fine. How many hours of the gym does he do?

"When will you turn eighteen?" He asked me ignoring everything I just said.

"None of your business." I snapped in the same way that he did.


As soon as I reached the house, I rushed to my bedroom and locked myself in. The stone was in my hand and that seemed to hold at least some answers for me. I changed into my comfortable clothes and washed my face thoroughly.

My room had the soft yellow lights and the princess bed in the middle with crème-coloured covers and comforter nicely adjusted upon it. Just next to my bed was a bedside table where a nighttime lamp and my phone holder were kept. Towards the other side of my bed was my white study table and chair, which overlooked the enormous garden that we had. My bedroom had the best view in the entire mansion, be it the sunrise or the sunset, I could witness the two from my window. Then there was my vanity table and right next to it was my walk-in closet. The door next to the closet was the bathroom. And right next to my entrance door was a bookshelf.

Most of the furniture in my room was brown in colour. The walls were a light brown colour, the closet was dark brown, the bathroom door was dark brown and my bed was a beige colour. The plush carpet near the foot of the bed was the only thing in my room that was pink. Not even my toys were pink. I don't know why but pink colours seem to give me a headache.

My bed was filled with my favourite pillows and teddies because who doesn't like cuddles?

"Okay. Time for the mystery." I whispered to myself and sat down at the study table.

I got the camera of my phone and took a picture of the inscriptions.


It translated it as the heart lies in the left. I read the inscriptions again and again. I even took the picture again and reentered it just to come up with the same answer. I was no Sherlock Holmes, but I wanted to be one for this case and this was just bad. Was I supposed to get the fucking answers with this?

And who even knows ancient Chinese in the college? Maybe the Asian student? That could be a lead.

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