Sneak Peek.

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"Good morning Joanna. Where is papa John?" I asked as soon as I got down to the dining table. I was considerably in a better mood knowing that I start my schooling, the proper one from tomorrow onwards.

So far I've just been homeschooled. I didn't understand the reason for that, but since my father and mother insisted, I had to. So obviously I had no friends and no fun. All these 17 years of my life I've just lived in the shelter of the house. Nothing ever happens in the mansion. It's deadly silent at the night and during the daytime, the helpers are afraid to make any noise. It seems more like a haunted house than a mansion where a 17-year-old resides all alone.

I often joke with Joanna saying that I feel like a ghost in this big mansion all by myself. But that's the only thing I can do. Joke about my loneliness, so it doesn't hurt as much.

"He is freshening up. He'll be here soon." She replied with a smile. When I was ten, they both got married and that was, I remember, the happiest day of my life. I got to meet so many people. And everything was so magnificent. Though I felt like a fool walking around and seeing people with big eyes, what can I say? I hadn't seen so many people at once.

Also, she is four months pregnant. They often come and live here with me, especially during the festivals, but they have their own house. Just down the street. I'm glad that they are starting their own family and not dedicating all of their time to me.

"Good morning princess. And good morning my queen." Papa John announced his arrival and kissed me on the cheek and Joanna on the lips. I wanted a love like theirs. It's beautiful and pure. Despite the fights and Joanna's temper tantrums during the pregnancy. "Excited for the school?"

"Absolutely." I replied with a grin. They both came here last night so we could all prepare for my college. After recently turning seventeen, I decided that it would be best if I go to a college and not get homeschooled anymore. It was hard to convince mother and father but they eventually caved in.

Over the years I realised that I couldn't be sad about those who don't care about me. I decided to not care about my parents just like they don't care about me. Instead, I embraced the fact that just because of them, I got Joanna and papa John. The two made me realise the real meaning of a family. The real meaning of mom and dad.

Being alone for so long also made me realise that I don't know how to make conversations. I can't hold a proper conversation with a stranger without turning red like a tomato.

It's nerve-wracking that for the first time I'll be surrounded by all the people my age. I'll have to make friends and be around people. I'll have to live like a normal teenager and not some pathetic girl who can't hold conversations has anxiety and gets panic attacks whenever something gets a little messy.

"We'll go to the mall today and buy some clothes for you and some other things that you would need." Joanna said as she served food. She still liked doing the work no matter how many times we told her to rest. She likes feeding her family and that makes my heart flutter. She is an amazing woman.

"But I have enough clothes."

"Yeah the clothes that your mother wants you to wear, not the clothes that you want to wear. So we're buying clothes of your choice today." Papa John said.

"Okay okay. I won't mind. Also, we need more clothes for the baby too. And the toys and the books and also Joanna I forgot to give you the book that I ordered for you that will help you with the pregnancy. I already gave papa John his own." I rambled. She paused and looked at me with tears in her eyes.

"Oh god. I'm so blessed to have you in my life. You'll be such a good sister. I love you, my dear." She began crying. My eyes widened in shock and papa John just shook his head before gathering a crying Joanna in his arms.

I too got up to hug her and it became a family hug. I sighed in contentment and nuzzled closer to the two of them.


We were at the mall where I had selected a couple of denim, tops and other stuff and now Joanna wanted me to try all of them and show them to her. I mentally cried and rolled on the floor protesting but I knew that she is a pregnant lady and pregnant ladies are a ticking time bomb. So I simply nodded and headed inside the changing room.

After trying on the clothes and discarding some of them, we finally purchased and moved on to other stores. I bought some earrings, pens, boxes and a cute teddy bear for the baby. While Joanna and papa John were buying clothes for the baby I decided to sneak out and buy some food.

It was almost like a ritual for me. The alley just next to the mall has some homeless people living there. I can't help them much so whenever I come here, I buy food for them and give it to them in secret. I know if papa John and Joanna come to know about it, they will glorify my acts. I don't want that.

After giving the food, I returned to the store and found them still looking for the clothes. The baby is a girl but we weren't keeping any stereotypes. We don't want her to grow up as a person who thinks that a girl or a boy has to be a certain way. They were confused about the blue, red and yellow dresses.

"The yellow and the blue one. The red looks too bright. My sister is a human, not a vampire." I said startling both of them. I had also bought some doughnuts and drinks for them both so I forwarded them to them.

"She is right. I don't want my daughter sucking my blood." He said with a laugh.

After a while we all went to the food court and had some more food. They always feed me as much as they can. And then papa John makes sure I work out enough to have muscles. It's exhausting as well as energising. The day I don't work out I feel lazy. Thanks to him, I'm addicted to it. It's like drugs.

We all returned to the mansion late in the evening. After much persuasion, Joanna went ahead and slept while papa John spent some time with me. At first, when they told me that they were pregnant I was scared. I didn't want to lose papa John or Joanna. But then I realised that I was just being unreasonable. There was no need to fear. I trusted them and their limitless love for me.

Around ten at night I received a call from my father. He called me whenever he wanted to, no matter what the time was. It honestly annoyed me but I had to just go with it. I can't say anything to him or his mother for that matter. They are just two people who gave birth to me and then abandoned me. At least my father called me sometimes but my mother never did that. She wouldn't even look at me whenever they came to this mansion.


"How are you Ava?" He asked. He did that just for the sake of formality.

"I'm fine. How are you and mother?"

"We're doing great." Then he sighed and began talking about this one business deal that he and his mother are trying hard for. I zoned out in the middle of it and stared into the emptiness. "I talked with the chairman of your college. He is a good friend Ava. Make sure your grades are good. I don't want him to think that I have a dumb daughter."

"Gee thanks father. Any other words for encouragement?" I clamped my mouth shut when I realised that I just said it out loud.

"Ava Rose Mickelson! How dare you talk to your father like this? Don't be an ungrateful brat." He nearly yelled at me. I sighed and waited for him to say more but when he said nothing I mumbled a soft I'm sorry and hung up.

After getting the good luck from father, I'm just so excited for tomorrow. I just hope that the chairman is not like my father, but then again he is friends with my father.

I slept feeling exhausted and excited. This would mark the beginning of a life that I was deprived of for so long.

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