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The next morning I woke up early around, five in the morning and rechecked everything. I was a mess. And suddenly I didn't want to leave. I was having second thoughts when papa and mamma came inside.

"My baby, what happened?" Mamma rushed to my side.

"I'm having second thoughts. And I don't know. It feels wrong to leave you both." I sighed and looked at them.

"Baby, you can't always stay hidden and protected by us. I know this is a really big step for you. You've only ever gone to other countries where I and John were there for you. But this is big and you need it. Also you have two hot guys going with you. What's the problem?" Mamma stroked my hair lovingly.

"I don't know. I'm just not really looking forward to it."

"Ava, you're a strong young woman. There will be times when you will have to travel so often that you wouldn't ever see us. That will be your life. And I don't want you to stay cooped up in the house beside us. It's time for you to shine. You're not our shadow. We don't want you to be our shadow. That's why I never once protested." Papa said.

My mind was running a mile per second. But was this really what I want? Yes. I want to go out and explore the world. I want to live how I should be able to. Experience. Wonder. Run free. And just do what I want to.

After consoling mamma and papa that I'll be fine, I got in my car and drove to Kayden's place first. He was standing by the door with his parents and Ashar. Ashar had a small pout on his cute little face while he furiously rubbed his eyes. Charlotte and Louis were giving Kayden some last minute instructions. I smiled from my car and gave them a moment before I got out and strolled towards them.

"Good morning." I chirped. I know I know, too early for such enthusiasm, but the Murphy's have been so kind for me, and they deserve nothing but all the best wishes from my side.

"Good morning Ava. You all ready?" Charlotte asked me while embracing me.

"Absolutely. Though I had second thoughts. But here I am."

"How did John allow you with two guys?" Louis asked me with an amused grin. My answer will be more amusing.

"I told him Kayden and Clayton are both gay and dating each other." I had difficulty containing my laughter till the end of the sentence. Once I finished, we all began laughing, except for Kayden who just glared at me. But I saw his eyes soften.

"I can assure you John didn't believe it one bit." Louis laughed.

"But I'm glad he let me leave without giving me another bone breaking self defense class Mr. Murphy." I smiled as I recalled the times of the past where we used to do hand to hand combat, or snatching of weapons and where he would teach me how to make a weapon of anything. It's all because of papa that I have great reflexes.

"Ah that's great. Now I depend on you to bring my son back. In one piece. Beat the asses who dare hurt my child." Louis said in mock respect. He looked at me with wide eyes as if looking at someone with huge muscles. He exaggerated the look but it earned a good laugh from me.

"Of course Sir. I'll defend him with my life."

"You shall leave now." I bowed from my waist and mock saluted him. He laughed and patted my head affectionately. "When do you leave then?"

"We'll go pick up Clayton and then we leave as soon as possible. Perhaps we'll be back before the month ends, or maybe even early." I replied.

"Alright then. Bye you two. Have fun and let Clayton know that I've packed some of his favourite cookies." Mrs. Murphy spoke as she eyed the two of us. Or more like assessed the way Kayden was looking at me.

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