The scream.

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A loud piercing scream echoed through the entire campus. It was so loud that I could feel the ground shake beneath me. The intensity of the yell had all the creatures looking distressed. Even the headless Dullahan looked distressed.

The man just looked frustrated. And I stood there...screaming.

It is me. The one who is screaming at the tip of her lungs. Me, who is causing this havoc? I wanted to stop because my actions terrify me, but I can't seem to stop. Not even for a breath. And surprisingly I'm not out of breath yet. I'm still fine and yelling. I don't know what this is but as long as I can use it for my defence, I'm good to go.

In front of me, I saw the flesh being ripped apart from the manticore's skeleton. No drop of blood touched the ground. The dullahan fled from there in its horses. The Nogitsune had a satisfied look in his eyes for some time, but then he too began feeling uneasy and soon his body crumbled to the ground in a pile of ashes. The chimaeras and Griffin succumbed to the ground as nothing. They just disappeared, their ashes flowing away with the wind.

The dragon tried to charge at me, but another force joined me. By the feel of it, I know it is Kayden. And the dragon was dead in a matter of seconds. The pishachas left the place screaming in agony. Draugrs had already left and Minotaurs were just staring at us, me specifically in confusion. Slaugh and Nian looked lifeless with blood oozing out of their everybody outlet and they collapsed on the floor. Onis slowly backed away from us and disappeared.

Everything was chaotic and it all happened so fast that I couldn't have time to decipher what all was happening. In a matter of a few minutes all the creatures left. Everything seemed over. It was silence after the storm passed away.

Just as soon as the creatures died, I stopped. My throat was sore and I was physically drained. My vision was blurry and sweat coated my entire face. But I still had that man to face. I wasn't backing down after this. After I up the fight with those beings.

"You did well, but remember my next attack will be more stronger. After all, you're just a tiny kid. But remember my name darling, you might want to chant this name when you die because you'd be begging for my forgiveness. Aldrik." He snapped and disappeared again.

Nobody said anything after he left. Everyone stood in their places but it was hard for me to keep up and I surrendered to the darkness that began engulfing me in its scary clutches.


I woke up in a hospital bed all alone. But I could see that someone was standing outside the curtain of the hospital. I'm glad that no one is here with me. I don't want to meet anyone for now. I just want to go back to my room and pretend as if nothing is wrong. As if my friends aren't supernatural creatures. And that I didn't just give out the loudest scream in the history of the world.

But life doesn't work my way.

The curtain parted and before I could see the person's face I closed my eyes and pretended to sleep again. I tried to calm my breathing and my heart. This person was Kayden and I just hate to admit that he is the last person I want to see. I don't know why but he brings out the worst side of me.

It's like, I'm just bad because he makes me want to rip his flesh off. And Kayden knows how to push my buttons without actually doing anything. Which just sets me off.

I don't like Kayden.

He thinks he is too high and mighty. What if he is rude to everyone, people will fall at his feet, girls will worship the ground he walks on, no! He needs to get this through his head that he can't be rude to people for no reason. Or maybe he has a reason but I'm just going crazy because the events today have drained me.

"I know you're awake." He rasps.

"Of course you do. Is that one of your superpowers?" I spat as I opened my eyes and sat up in the bed.

"Watch your tone with me Ava." Kayden warned me.

"Or what? You gonna bring your little supernatural army and slaughter me?" I'm just too furious and hurt to care about anything else right now. Provoking a person with superpowers is not what I should do. But I'm not thinking rationally right now and why should I? I have every right to overreact.

I was sheltered all my life, hidden from the human world and just when I was ready for the new start something so big is thrown at my head time and time again and I have to dodge it. What will happen when I get tired? Will that be the end of me? Just like that?

"They aren't my army. They are yours. We are your army!"

"Yes and I am a unicorn!"

This was the lamest comeback but whatever. I can't seriously be worried about a good comeback right now.

In a flash Kayden stood up from the chair he was sitting on and marched towards me. My throat was gripped in his hand, but it didn't hurt. He made sure that he didn't suffocate me. It was like Kayden was just trying to show his dominance. Like he was trying to prove that he could kill me if he wanted to. But who was he trying to prove this to? Me or him?

"Stop being a fucking brat and listen to me. And listen good. You don't speak about what happened there to anyone, do you get it?" His face came closer to mine with each word he spoke. His breath smelled like mint and coffee. And his eyes, oh his dark eyes captivated me in the dark ocean of the emotional turmoil he goes through on a day-to-day basis.

In his eyes I saw a small boy crying, calling out to his mother, but he was alone. He was alone on a deserted road and crying while cradling his broken nose. He had some scratches on his body. But what broke my heart was the look of pure desolation in his beautiful dark eyes.

Kayden flexed his hands and I was broken out of my trance. "Fuck you bitch!" Kayden hissed as he tightened his hold on my neck by a little. I could see his veins popping out of his arms and his face was unusually pale.

"What the hell?! What did I do?" I screamed back. I wonder what I am doing by not pushing him away but I kinda like this closeness with him. It feels good. His body warmth, his smell of woods and something musky, his hands on me and his face so close to me.

I'm just horny.

"You're seeing into my memories. You have no right to invade my privacy like that!"

"So that boy was you?" I gasped and my heart clenched painfully. Did he go through stuff? Explains why he is a brute all the time. But that's not fair.


"Hey I didn't do it knowingly. It's not my fault. I don't know. Things are happening to me and I have no idea what all of that is about. I've been to therapies so many times and even those people think that I'm a psychopath. Hell, I was even-" Before I could say something too personal to me, I stopped. I can't let him or anyone know about it. Not yet. Not when I can't even bring myself to trust these folks.

"You're a temptress Ava. A fucking seductress." Kayden said in a deep voice. His eyes flickered between my eyes and my lips. My eyes were wide in alarm. I don't want my first kiss to be like this. Not yet. It's not fair.

"Why would you say that? And why so suddenly? We were just talking about something else. Are you psychotic?" I stuttered trying my best to dodge the situation.

"I've tried. Oh hell, I did. But I can't get you out of my mind. I need to fuck you, Ava. I need to have you in my bed. Because you are driving me insane." Kayden said running his hands through his hair.

Hearing his words I did one thing that I was taught by Joanna. She told me that when someone offends you don't hesitate to slap them. They need to know their place and they can't overstep their boundaries. That's what Kayden did. And, not wanting to offend Joanna when she is heavily pregnant, I slapped Kayden.

No man talks about me like that. I might be a prude, but I can't let any random boy talk about fucking me like he has no respect for me. A person needs to know me and then think about bedding me. Kayden just said something that he shouldn't have said and it would have been a little romantic if he also said that he likes me and that's why he wants to sleep with me, but no, it's pure lust for him.

And that disgusts me.

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