The Following Days.

18 12 2

After my episode, papa John and Joanna took me to their place. There was no reason for me to go back to the mansion so I easily avoided my parents. Papa John and Joanna had been more careful with me. They always did after they witness any of my panic attacks. And I hate to be this way. I just like them loving and caring. I don't want them to walk on eggshells around me.

I remember the next day at the college everyone came upto my car and we sat down for the talk. I don't know why they decided to finally tell me every thing, but I was glad to know what the things were in someone else's point of view too.

Because I didn't really trust Kayden.

"We're sorry for showing up announced. That was rude of us." Calla apologized as soon as she approaches me.

"It's no problem." I smiled at her to ease her tension. Recently I feel like this group is falling apart. Or maybe it's just me seeing too much into things. And I would absolutely hate myself if I got to know that reason everyone is being distant to each other is because of me. So I try my best to ease the tension in the group. But sometimes it's just not enough.

"So how are you today?" She asked trying to start up a conversation. Atleast she too feels half as awkward as I do right now.

"I'm great. How about you?"

"Peachy." She flashed me smirk and right then came Clayton.

He casually threw his arm around my shoulder and pulled me closer towards his side. I stared at him in question but he completely ignored my eyes and instead stared at my lips. If it weren't for the amusement dancing in his eyes I would totally think he is into me.

"Oh to be kissing these lips again and again until you finally realise that you are mine." Clayton said loudly. Enough for the people around me to know what was going on. And among those people were Kayden, Sebastian and Harry.

"Wow. No wonder why you are single." I remarked sarcastically.

"Bold of you to assume I am single." Clayton fired back.

"If not now then you'll soon be." I patted his chest with a pout on my face. I heard a grunt and judging by the only person I know who grunts, I sure know that it's Kayden. I wonder what his issue is.

"Sophia and Edward and Dylan are here too. Let's talk then." Harry said and sat down on the floor of the parking lot. I shrugged and sat down too while looking at everyone expectantly. Everyone huffed and sat down. So we were there, in the middle of the parking lot, sitting in a big circle.

We stared at each other with a serious face. And then everyone looked at me together. Their gaze was calculative and assessing every inch of me. Especially my eyes. And I didn't like it. Before I could snap, Kayden cleared his throat and everyone broke out of their trance and tried to talk.

"We are all supernatural creatures. Sophia too was one of us, was a mystery. But you, when you stepped in the campus, we all got the vibe from you. And we knew who you were. But you had to prove yourself. Usually we fully turn into a supernatural after 18, but you have been showing so many symptoms. Even when you aren't that age yet. So you are one of us. You are the prophecy kid." Clayton explained from beside me.

"And how do you turn into a supernatural?" I asked.

"Every human has a special quality in them. Considering not all humans can become supernatural and, it depends upon their growth, their thinking and their nature. And also upon all the difficulties they have faced in life. And what these hurdles made of them." Calla said next.

"And what are you all. And what exactly am I? Who was that man? What the fuck?" I asked feeling confused. The last line was purely out of all the questions that had been running inside my head.

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