Curse and Past.

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Kayden POV

Ava was devastated after the building collapsed. I had never seen that look of pure anguish on her face. And it scared me. This war is going to take a toll on her. And it is eventually going to change her. I've seen far worse than what happened back there so I know I can survive. Clayton can too and all of my other friends can too. But Ava? She is fragile, she is soft. And I don't want anything or anyone to take that away from her.

She hadn't spoken anything else for the rest of the night. Because all three of us crashed in her room. She needed our support so we gave it. I shared the bed with her and Clayton took the couch, not before warning us to not make any noises. Ava didn't react to that. It's like she hadn't even heard him say anything.

We both woke up at the same time because Clayton had been mumbling in his sleep. He was practicing a spell which caused things to fly around in the room. Ava had to jerk him awake and finally the things settled down in their places. After that nobody could go to sleep. We all sat in silence, lost in our thoughts.

There was a knock at the door and the time was some where past midnight. I and Clayton shared a look, and I got up to open the door. Clayton took his place near Ava to protect her. It could very well be some of Aldrik's goons or he himself.

When I opened the door, I saw three tiny women clad in the traditional white dress of the ancient Greeks. They had a sad look on their face and I knew immediately they that they aren't any threats. They were here to seek help. To meet Ava.

"We want your help." One of them spoke.

"I'll help in anyway I can." Ava stepped forward and stood beside me. Her arms brushing against mine. And I couldn't help but like it. Despite the situations, I would be forever grateful to have her touch me in any way, to be close to me, even if it meant to slap me.

"Please bless the land of the forgotten. We need you to be there tomorrow and bless us with your presence. You are the daughter of life. You are the only one who can make it right." Another one pleaded Ava.

"What do I have to do? And where would this place be?"

"You wear these clothes, and this band around your wrist. This is charmed to protect you and the ones around you. This can only be worn by the protector and father told us to give this to you. There is a land where there is no life. A cursed land. You are the only one who can erase the curse. It was a part of the prophecy."

"What kind of curse?" I asked curiously.

"The people living in those lands were good people. They helped the gods eradicate evil. They faught against it. Supernatural, like you all. But when Aldrik found out, he cursed that land, and those heros. He cursed them to remain hidden in the lands, and see him accomplish his evil plans. They have an eye on him all the time, but they can't do anything. They just watch and it slowly kills them. We hear their cries, their pleas to let them out, but only the one can."

"Okay. I'll help you. But why the dress and the charm?"

"Because the dress is of their queen. The queen of the supernaturals. And they would wish to perceive you as their queen when they first come out. They would want to rejoice the freedom and the rebirth of their queen."

It sounded creepy but I know Ava would do that. Because if those people are good and supernatural, we would have allies. And we would not have to worry about other continents. We could focus on killing Aldrik while the rest can take care of his army.

So Ava nodded and took the golden dress from their hands. They thanked us and left just like that. I turned to Clayton who had been assessing them and reading their minds using his witchcraft. We couldn't just jump into anything without full guarantee of what or who they are.

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