Fight Club.

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"Are you sure this is a good idea?" I whispered to Sophia and Calla who were standing against the black car.

"It's the best idea. And you look great." Calla said and winked at me. I almost scoffed at her. My outfit was mostly black and a loose denim jeans. But Calla and Sophia? They both looked like models. Sophia sported a grey miniskirt and a baby pink top with a grey leather jacket inside the car. Calla was wearing black denim shorts and a bralette in maroon colour. With a fleece. And they say I look good?

"You both look hot. Now let's get going." I changed the topic before I wallow in self pity. I should've known better. I could wear something better. It's not like I'm lacking clothes. Dammit.


"Who are we seeing here?" Sophia asked. She is a usually shy and timid girl but ever since she found out who she really is, damn the change has been refreshing. I like this Sophia better. So confident, self assured and not scared at all. She is not someone who could take bullshit from anyone anymore.

"Kayden." Calla yelled over the loud chatter of the place. It wasn't overly packed as I had read in those novels, it was like any ordinary gym, just a few metres bigger and lacking all the equipments except for the boxing ring in the middle. There were speakers at the four ends of the room and typically girls yelling and fixing makeup while men boasting that they could take any of the players down.

"Wait what? Kayden fights?" I asked, shocked. This was new information.

"He does. And oh he so does. He owns it. Though he has lost quite a few times but each time he came back stronger. He is amazing. It's just his thing. And he does it like he owns it." Calla explains with her eyes glazed over.

Silence fell over the place when the announcer approached the stage and announced the rules. Not like it mattered anyway. It's underground fighting. There are no rules. If you're dead they just bury you. No sympathy on anyone's side. The winner is the best and the loser is the weak and pathetic one.

While the announcer was talking I looked around myself to finally observe the place. Nothing was creepy. It was one of the only nights where I didn't feel any supernatural presence around me, except for that of my friends. It was great for a change but not much because we were still in a dangerous place. The men here looked like predators and the one who looked harmless were eyeraping the girls around them.

Some were even catcalling but the girls were used to it, I guess, because none of them turned around to see those men. Even married men dared to flirt with girls almost half their age. It was disgusting. A man who can't stay committed to his own wife after taking the vows in front of the Lord was just a pathetic example of a man. Same goes for the woman. Any person who cheats on another is nothing but a disdain.

The place was dark with a few yellow bulbs hanging at some places. Not like that made much of a difference. The place looked perfect for a thing like this to be held at. I wonder how many people have died here.

Lately I realised that death doesn't seem to faze me. It's like, it's normal for me to think about death. The supernatural thing is finally catching up to me. And I'm glad I adjusted well in the outer world. It's been almost a year. Two more moths and I'd be celebrating my freedom for one year to move out of my mansion to go to college.

Everyone started cheering and all heads turned towards the door at the back of the room towards my right. A boy who looked a few years older than me came out of those doors. The crowd cheered him on and some patted his back while he passed from their front. His eyes were as hard as the metal door that he just passed and his body was built like a rock. He was too damn strong. All those ripped muscles in the right places.

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