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"Who goes to which country?" Clayton asked as soon as all of us had ordered at the usual cafe. It was essential so all of us could just get this over with. And I so hope that everything that this journal contains is of value. I hope that I did steal something of value. If not, I don't know what to make out of the things then.

"First off. I'm not sure if this journal contains important messages. So don't just go with the purpose of finding answers. Enjoy there, have the food, roam the markets, attend the festivals, if any and just have fun in general. Second, it's all your choices. Here is the list, now decide." I forwarded the countries. They took a look at it and then looked back at me.

"I and Calla can go to Pingyao. Calla has been wanting to go to China since a long time." Sebastian suggested.

"There are eight places, choose two you twat." Harry smacked the back of Seb's head.

"I think Egypt if anyone else wanted to go there then we can change?" Calla said nonchalantly.

"Nope." Everyone said so I continued. "You both can go there. Pack clothes and essentials accordingly. I will be giving you these pages. Google just told me the language, it didn't tell me any answers or we won't have to do this."

"No issues. We can go Turkey and Arabia." Dylan said looking straight at me. His eyes twinkled but then it was gone when I heard Kayden growl. That beast!

Everyone nodded. "Iraq and Arabia. I mean if it's okay with you Ed?" Sophia said softly. He just nodded. If Sophia asked him to go to hell he would do that. Ed would even fight Satan just for Calla.

"So that leaves India and Greek for you three." Harry glanced at the two of us.

"Great. I've always wanted to go to these two places. Their mythologies are so amazing. Though we read more of Greek, I have heard quite a bit about Indian too. And by the pictures of the country, it's pretty colourful. And Greek has the best dresses." I giggled thinking about all the places we could visit in the short span.

"Hell yeah. It's gonna be fucking fantastic." Clayton cheered.

The food was getting cold so all of us ate it as fast as possible and went to Clayton's house, as he so gracefully offered. His mom and dad were on a business meeting. All of our parents are business men or own the fucking college. Or hospitals. I mean if this is the college where only the rich go, where do the middle class and other people go? Do they get the same facilities as me?

I often wonder how life would've been if I belonged to a less fortunate class. Maybe my mother wouldn't have hated me then, maybe my father would have come home to us and kissed our cheeks lovingly. There would have been shortage of money, but it could be filled up by love.

I didn't let myself think further into it. It was better this way. My mind didn't need any stress from fake scenarios that would never come true. Though I know at night, when I will be in the confines of my room I will be thinking this over and over again.

"When do we leave?" Harry asked while casually sipping on his water. He was trying to pretend that it was some sort of posh wine.

"Tomorrow? If it's okay with you all. I wanna get this over with and then celebrate with my family." Calla spoke. I see where she is coming from. I guess it'll only be fair if we get this done with soon enough. So Christmas can be at home with all our loved ones.

"Sure." I agreed.

"Okay then. I wanna be here for Christmas." Sophia said while looking at Edward. Perhaps waiting for input.

"We can take my family's private jet. It'll be better like that. Not having to wait at the crowd and stuff like that." Edward spoke to Sophia who blushed red, I didn't even want to know what they would do in the private jet.

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