6.5 - Weddings and Airports

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(Play Hold On by Chord Overstreet at *)

It was wedding day, I didn't think that I would make it this far after everything that had gone down these past few months but it was here.

Theo had stayed at the house meanwhile the girls and I were staying at the penthouse. I woke up by the alarm on my phone that I had set the previous night. I had said my goodbyes to Theo at dinner with some of his groomsmen and some of my bridal party. I laid in bed, almost unable to get out, the sheets feeling heavy on my body.

Val barged into my room. "Get up bitch, it's wedding day"

"Fuck off" I groaned. She jumped into bed with me, we both stared at the ceiling of the room.

"I can't believe you're getting married. I don't think I've really wrapped my head around it. I guess it's been you and me forever, even through boyfriends. Liza joined us and it was the three of us, ride or die. Now you are going to have other responsibilities, just like when Liza has the baby" She reflected.

"Aw, Val. Come here" I extended my arms. "It's the three of us forever. No matter what, you're stuck with me for the rest of your life" I hugged her.

"Are you guys hugging without me?" Liza said as she walked into the room. Carefully, since her stomach had grown a significant amount since the announcement, she laid on the bed with us and we stayed hugging for a while.

Finally, we got up and I got in the shower. Once I came out and changed into the bride robe, it was chaos on the living room of the hotel room. There was around 5 makeup artist and 3 hairdressers beginning to get the bridesmaids ready. Two photographers stood in the corners taking pictures of the events unfolding. My wedding planner sat me down on a chair and began they began working on my makeup that we had decided previously and tried out on our three makeup trials. I was surprised my mother was not running around bossing people around yet, I had almost pleaded Liza and Val to keep the parents as far away as possible for the longest they could. I knew my mother would definitely get on my nerves today and I didn't need that.

I looked at my phone while they were working on my face, I don't know exactly what I was waiting for but I still stared and waited. I went on instagram and scrolled, I found a few post about the wedding. There was one that caught my eye, it was a video that I was tagged in with Charles.

The girl who was doing my makeup went to get some brushes and I sat there alone with my phone. Reluctantly I clicked on the video, I turned the volume down slightly and read the caption.

Today Olivia gets married from what I can gather online, here's to our forever favourite couple nevertheless❤️

The video played, it was an audio from TikTok that said: there might be lovers who hold out their hands but they'll never love you like I can

The video was one I had posted on my story a very long time ago where he was spinning me around and grabbed my waist, bowing me down and kissing me as I held his face, the video paused as we kissed and they made it black and white. My throat went dry, maybe this was a sign. Maybe the universe was telling me I was making a mistake.

Not even a few seconds later, Pierre texted me. He was invited to the wedding along with a couple of the drivers like George, Checo, Daniel, Carlos, Mick, Seb. Charles was invited but I think for obvious reasons he will not be showing up.

I opened the text almost immediately.

Pierre: Hey! I just landed and I'll be there in a few hours🥂 I wanted wish you the best today!

Pierre: I don't mean to be nosy but I've known Charles for a really really long time and I can tell when something wrong. I just wanted to let you know, he is going away for two months. I even heard him talking about moving to Italy full time to be closer to the team.

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