5.3 - Awkward Conversations & Rainy Races

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That same night, we all went out to a bar to have a couple of drinks. Mainly me considering the rough day I had, the boys had Free Practice tomorrow so they couldn't drink like I did. They dragged me out of the bar, slightly stumbling along and they walked me to my room.

Once I was inside, I scoured the mini bar and grabbed a soda and two tiny bottles of Bacardi. I looked by the TV and there was a bucket of ice. I don't know what psychopath drinks warm rum and coke but that was definitely not me so I grabbed it and stumbled out of my room on the hunt for an ice machine. I walked around aimlessly down the hallways until I saw just ahead of me a room door open and Charles walked out. We made eye contract and I quickly turned around and began walking the other way.

"Liv" He called out. I closed my eyes and cringed before turning around with a big smile.

"Charles, hello. Hi" God, shut up.

"Where are going?" He asked.

"Oh just some ice" Maybe I can make a run for it.

"Are you drunk?" He laughed.

"Maybe" I replied. "We went to a bar nearby"

"That's good, we went to a restaurant for dinner. Actually the restaurant we went to before we went through that fight here" He said. His comment threw me completely off guard and it looked like it threw him off as well that it came out of his mouth.

"Anyways, I see that you are" He pointed at my finger.

I looked down, my hands kind of blurry and with double vision. The ring sat on my finger and we both looked down.

"Engaged? Yeah, it's been a couple months" I replied.

"With that guy you were dating a while back?" He asked. Looks like someone was keeping up with me.

"Yeah, Theo. We've been dating a few years" I looked away. "Caroline seems nice"

"She is, she was a Victoria's Secret model for a few years. We also met a few years ago" He explained. Of course she's a model.

"Well I'll let you go back" I smiled. I began walking away.

"Hey Liv?" He slightly shouted down the hall. I turned around, focusing on not falling. "It's good to see you"

My heart stoped beating a few seconds, my breath quickened and I just looked at him. "Also, ice machine is that way" He pointed before going back into the room and closing the door.

I leaned against the wall, running my hands through my hair and closing my eyes. I wiped my face and slapped myself lightly in the face to wake up. I walked the way Charles had suggested and I found the machine quickly. I filled the bucket with ice before walking back to my room. I set the ice on the table but instead of pouring out a drink, I grabbed one of the bottles uncapping it before pouring all the contents into my mouth.

- | -

The next morning, after a strong coffee and lots of makeup I managed to show up on time for free practice. The day was slower, there was no running around but instead I was stuck in an office, answering emails, approving campaigns, having a few video calls about brand deals and I watched both sessions on the TV in the room.

I hear a knock on the door and it was Max.

"Hey, how did it go today?" I asked.

"Good, I brought you a coffee" He set a cup on my desk.

"I might need something stronger than that" I joked.

"Are you okay? About Charles?" He asked, taking a seat on the chair on the other side of my desk.

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