1.1 - New Friends & Boat Rides

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We took a small break before the next sit down interview. Liza and I went to the coffee stand and sat down on a little table to the side to talk.

"So you're really going out with the drivers?" She asked.

"I mean yeah. I really liked them, they seem like a lot of fun" I shrugged.

I wondered if Charles was included on the people going, I really hoped that it wasn't the case because one of the reasons I agreed to go out was so I could get of the hotel instead of dwelling and thinking about him.

"Oh, they are very fun" She laughed. "How long have you been in Monaco?"

"Around 3 weeks" I said. "It's lovely"

"Any new hot romances?" She raised her eyebrows suggestively.

"I don't think so anymore" I played around with my cup disappointed. I don't know what the future held for me and Charles, if there even was one to begin with.

"Not anymore? So, there was one? Spill it, I want to hear it" She giggled.

"Oh, just a guy I met the day after I moved here. Seemed very nice, we had a great time but there's just a lot going on in both our lives. I just got out of a relationship too so I don't think I'm ready to date again"

She nodded. "But anyway, how about you? How long have you lived in Monaco?" I asked.

"Two years, I moved from New York for this position. I'm originally from Bristol but I finished college in the states. I wanted to try something new, get away from my old life" I could not relate to her more.

"Boyfriend? Or boyfriends for that matter?" I joked.

"Oh, I wish" She laughed. "It's quite hard doing this job, traveling so much and having a relationship. So, I do the no strings attached thing or the traveling one night stands"

"You go girl!" I chuckled. "Honestly I understand, I've only been at this job for a couple of weeks and I don't know how you could keep a relationship with the long distance"

I thought about what it would be like if I had stayed in Monaco with Charles traveling and never being there. I think I would go insane with trust issues. Thank you, Jack. Cheers mate!

We finally decided to go back to the set and they retouched my makeup before I had an interview with the Aston Martin team which went by smoothly and was over on time. The cars began warming up and Free Practice 1 began. Some of the cars began racing around the track and pushing the cars as much as they could before tomorrow but most importantly before Sunday. After we watched that for a while we had some time to kill with Liza. We had lunch, had more iced coffee and I got to know her better. We would be spending a lot of time together for the next year and I honestly really liked her.

We moved from our spot to watch the second and last free practice of the day. Every time I spotted Charles' car, my stomach clenched a little. His car was doing great and I was happy for him but I couldn't really say anything to him.

When the first drivers started finishing off their session and moving on to interviews, the crew moved and we set up by the designated press spots for the post practice interviews, waiting for the drivers to do their press rotations.

Daniel spotted me and smiled, coming over. We had a quick chat about how he felt about the next few days and I asked a few questions on my queue cards and he moved along.

Finally a guy in a black racing suit, sweating a little, adjusting his RedBull hat to fix his hair, approached us. Max stared at me a little and gave me a comforting smile. This man looked like he could kill someone but in a weird dangerously attractive way.

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