0.4 - Reuniting Strangers

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"Bounjour mademoiselle, est-ce que tu vas bien?"

I turned around to find a beautiful tall man with green eyes in a black suit. All of a sudden I had forgot how to speak, mainly because he was speaking French.

"Oh I'm sorry, I don't speak French" I shyly said, cursing myself for not taking French lessons when my parents wanted and chose to have piano lessons instead.

"I apologize. Are you okay?" He went down a couple more steps.

"I've just had a rough day, that's all" I tried to smile at him. His eyes softened and he reached the bottom of the stairs and was now standing in front of me. He motioned me to continue. "Oh I'm sure you have placed to be other than listening to my sob story"

"I've got time" he said with a compassionate smile.

"Well, I just moved here if you haven't really figured it out by the girl crying on the stairs that doesn't know how to speak French. I'm here with my friend but she left me and I just had to get out of there for a second. I literally just moved here out of nowhere... I just bro- I just got a job here and packed up my things and left. Am I crazy? You must think I'm crazy"

I corrected myself from talking about Jack, I already looked pathetic enough without adding that I moved to another country because my boyfriend cheated on me.

"I don't think you're crazy. It's exciting and terrifying but you'll be okay" His smile and voice were so comforting. "What's your name?"

"I'm Olivia and you are?"

My phone started going off with a loud ringtone interrupting the conversation. Anna's name popped up.

"I'm sorry it's my friend, just a second"

I picked up the phone.

"Where the hell are you?"

"I was looking for the bathroom and kind of got lost, you left me for some idiot" I whispered away from him.

"Not an idiot but still we've made an appearance, my parents are happy. We can leave now" she demanded.

"Okay, I'll be there in a second" I hung up and turn around to find him still smiling.

"I'm sorry, she can be annoying" I laughed and motioned to the phone.

"It was very nice meeting you Olivia. I hope you can find your place in this wonderful city. Maybe even take up some French lessons" We both laughed. He turned the corner of the stairs and I was left with a smile on my face.

His face popped up from the corner one last time and said "Oh and it's up the stairs, down the corridor and to the left"

He disappeared again and I tried to remember what he said. I also realized I never even got his name.

I walked up the stairs picking up my dress so I wouldn't trip on it and followed his directions. I was led to some grand stairs overlooking the ballroom, I took the left stairs and rushed down spotting Anna from above.

We finally out of there and I got out of the annoying dress. As soon as my head hit the pillow, I was gone.

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Fresh Start [C.L]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora