1.5 - Break Ins & Birthdays

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The flight back home was exhausting. It was only two hours but I still slept through most of it. I dragged my bags through the airport and got on a cab home. It was around 11 at night when the plane landed.

Walking through the door of the apartment felt amazing, even though it had only been four days since I was gone.

Anna was sitting on the couch watching TV when she noticed the door close and she jumped out and hugged me.

"You're home! I've missed you!" She crushed my bones a little.

"I missed you too" I laughed.

"Oh sure you have! It's not like I've seen a picture of you and Charles kissing everywhere on my timeline" I flinched. Crap.

"I know, I didn't know he was going to do that but I'm happy" I said setting my suitcase in my room.

"Well you can tell me everything while we have late leftovers dinner, there's pizza on the fridge" She smiled and ran over.

- | -

I tried sleeping in as much as I could but the two hour difference can mess up your sleep a little. I groaned and got up, walking into the kitchen to make coffee. I turned around after putting the pod on the machine and I saw Louis sitting in a suit on the counter. Why is this boy always wearing a damn suit?

"Holy shit!" I flinched and my heart jumped out of my chest.

"Good morning princess" He said calmly.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" I half screamed, knowing Anna was probably still asleep.

"Anna gave me a copy of your key while you were away" He shrugged.

"Wha- why did she- what the fuck" I couldn't even form a coherent sentence.

"She was worried someone might break in when she was alone even though there is a million cameras and security in this building"

"Oh yeah, we wouldn't want someone to do that" I rolled my eyes. I turned back around to grab the coffee.

"So, Ferrari boy huh?" He asked.

"None of your business" I said.

"It's everyone's business now with that whole show princess" I rolled my eyes again.

"Stop calling me princess" I told him off. "It's not everyone's business"

"Really? Did you know you went up from 20k to 110k on Instagram?" He smirked.

"What? That can't be true" I grabbed my phone from the counter and saw a million follow notifications when I entered instagram. Great.

He laughed. "You are in for a ride. Not too late to back out"

"Oh so you care about me now?" I asked.

"No, just thinking he's not really your type"

"And how would you know what my time is?"

"You go for the dangerous type, it's written all over you. Someone who pushes you to the extreme, makes you feel alive"

"Charles makes me feel alive" I said.

"Sure he does princess" He responded ironically.

"Well if you are done criticizing my relationship I'll go have my coffee in my room" I gave him a fake smile and went back into the room.

I scrolled through my Instagram this time, it was pretty much consumed by Formula One now. I stopped at a picture of Max, jumping out of his car yesterday.

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