3.0 - Close Calls & Lunches

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I quickly went back to Liza and Val and grabbed both their hands and dragged them out of the party.

"What's wrong?" They said together.

"I just kissed Max. We have to get out of here" I said. Liza got on the phone quickly and shortly after a car service appeared and we got out of there. We went back to the hotel, neither of the girls trying to push to ask me what happened. Liza went back to her room and Val and I went back to ours, we took our makeup off and fell asleep as the clock hit 3AM.

We woke up the next morning and I saw that the sun was out and very bright for a normal morning through the window. I turned around groaning, my head hurting from the drink last night. I grabbed my phone calmly to see any text when I noticed the time. It was 1:55PM, we had checkout at 2 and our flight was leaving at 4:00 for Liza and me and 4:15 for Val and the Brussels airport was 2 hours away. I jumped out of bed, feeling slightly dizzy when I stood up and I began throwing everything into my suit case. I threw an empty water bottle at Val and she barely moved.

"Valerie, wake the fuck up" I shouted . I kicked her with my foot as I continued to put everything away. "Valerie, I swear if you don't wake up right now I will pull you out of this room by your hair"

"What the fuck is happening?" She said still half asleep.

"Look at the time! We have 15 minutes to make it to the train! Liza is probably still asleep" I grabbed my phone as Val looked at the time.

"Shit" She said almost falling out of bed. Liza's phone rang but there was no answer.

Valerie also shoved things into her bag and we ran around the room. I refused to miss this flight and wait for another with how hard it was to get into this flight, I had come here with Charles in the jet and now that we are no longer together I can't go back with him. I needed to get out of here as quickly as possible, it's been miserable enough.

I finally picked up everything and I changed into some clean sweats and a hoodie. I put my hair up in a bun and we left the room, running down the hall to knock on Liza's room.

After two minutes of banging on the door, she finally opened the door in her pijamas.

"You have two minutes to get changed" I said. Val and I stormed into the room and shoved everything into the suitcase. We managed to get out of the room in record time, the three of us in sweats and sunglasses. We probably looked crazy rushing down the lobby. We got to the reception in time as Liza called someone to come pick us up to take us to the train station and Val was looking at train times hoping for a miracle.

"There's a train in 10 minutes" Val shouted victorious in the middle of the lobby, catching a few stares.

I talked the lady at reception, she could see the hurry we were in so she quickly checked us out. I thanked her and we ran with our suitcases across the lobby. I spotted Max sitting in a chair by the exit, he intently stared at us as we ran down like crazy people to the car. I laughed to myself about how I get in these situations. As we spotted the car and shoved our luggage in it, I saw Charles getting into his car looking at us as we piled into the car.

We told the driver that we were going to miss the train and he was pretty compliant. He slightly sped through the streets and we thanked him running out of the car and rushing to the terminal, Val had bought three tickets online and just as the last passengers were getting in we squeezed in. We took deep breaths as we sat proud that we had made it. We now only needed to run down the airport to catch our flight. I checked my phone.

Max: I could've taken all of you on the jet

Olivia: Val is going back to England

Fresh Start [C.L]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora