0.3 - Bounjour

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We shopped maybe a little more than we should've, way more than just the dress we went for. I ended buying a long red evening dress and some high heels. Monaco is the city to max out your credit cards. Everything is beautiful but with a very heavy price tag.

I dropped my shopping bags in my room, hoping to deal with them later and I went into the balcony to sit on the outside furniture we had bought. I took in the view, still not used to the clear skies and perfectly coloured water filled with yachts that from far looked like white dots.

I took a deep breath and dialed my mother's number.

"Olivia? Thank god!" She answered right away.

"Hi mom"

"Hi mom? You move to another country with so much as a phone call and all you can say is hi mom?" She said. My mother was usually a woman who cared a lot about how she conducted herself around others. I had grown up in a household where I had to learn how to behave like a 'lady' so I wouldn't embarrass my parents. God forbid I would ever embarrass them in front of their friends, my mother would die and disown me in the process.

As a teenager, I had gone through a rebellious phase. My mother has made sure everything I didn't would not end up in the wrong mouth and spread like wildfire. I would sneak out, disappear without telling her and then reappear three days later from a spontaneous trip to Paris, Cabo, Italy, wherever me and my friends felt like going. My mother did everything in her power to ensure I never tainted her image, even sent me to boarding school at some point when she couldn't get me under control.

"Mom, I'm fine. I've moved into the apartment, I have a lovely roommate named Anna and I'm getting my shit together" I rolled my eyes at her through the phone. I could hear her scolding every time I did that in front of her.

"Language Olivia" She said. "I'm just waiting for you to realize how crazy this is and come back"

"Mom, I'm not going back in quite some time. You can visit me with dad when you please"

"I'm sure your father will book something when he is free from work" Her British accent always made her sound more serious and formal.

"I'm sure he will mom. Well, I have to go. I'm alive and breathing, you can stop calling 600 times a day. I'm fine." I laughed.

"Goodbye Olivia"

"Goodbye mother" I hang up the phone and realized that this was the easy phone call on my to do list. I knew I had to get the courage to call Valerie.

The phone rang a few times before I heard "Fucking bitch"

"Hello to you too" I laughed. It was good for me to talk to her, she always told me things how they where.

"Oh don't come to me with that bullshit. Monaco? Really? You couldn't call to tell me you were moving to Monaco? I called you like 50 times when I say the pictures of that dick. Even drove to your parents house to find you and they told me that you had just left dinner in a rush"

"Valerie, you can understand why I'm doing this. You more than anymore know how much I loved that boy. I was ready to marry him" I felt tears come up again.

"I know. I do. I'm going to murder him if I see him but did you have to move? You could've moved in with me" She lived alone in house after she fought with her parents and they cut her off. She started doing social media and earning money on her own.

"I did, as much as I love you this was a bigger hole than I could fill with some sad movies and ice cream" I looked at the view once more. "It's beautiful here, you should come"

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