5.8 - Dances & Sugar

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Play If By Chance by Ruth B at the *

I was completely thrown off by Caroline's comment at Liza and Lando's pregnancy reveal dinner. I had returned to the table and stayed silent and kept to myself until most guests including both, Caroline and Charles, left. I stayed back talking about the baby with Liza and Val until I eventually went back to my room and we enjoyed the weekend before race week together in Woking.

We returned to Monte Carlo on Monday and I made sure to leave everything organized for the week I was going to be gone pre wedding. There was only a little over two months until the date and dealing with planning for over 350 wedding guests was overwhelming.

We flew to Melbourne on Tuesday and arrived there Wednesday morning. We slept in a little from the flight and the time difference and then we went to the beach for the rest of the day. The week went by in a blur, I was still dealing with a little fall out from the scandal and I've had a million meetings about it. Australia was not a good weekend for either Max or Charles. Mick actually won the race, Pierre came close second and George crossed third.

There was only two races left of the season and part of me was nostalgic that it was ending. It felt like 5 years ago all over again. There was one month to the wedding and it was a stressful time to be leaving Monaco again. I had my final dress fitting and the bridesmaids fittings as well and everything began feeling real.

Max, Liza, Lando, Val and I all took the jet out of Monaco into Saudi Arabia on Tuesday. We would've left on Wednesday night but there was an event that Max, Lando and I needed to attend and therefore Liza and Val were coming along as their dates. It was in a way a job function for me since I had to take care of Max, Checo and Christian for a part of the night, at least during the beginning with the press and make sure that Christian delivered the speech he was supposed to on stage towards the end of the night.

We arrived at the hotel and we enjoyed dinner at a restaurant I had visited with Charles the last time we were here together.

"So Liv" Max asked. "What's the situation with Charles?"

"There is no situation with Charles" They all rolled their eyes. "There isn't, I'm getting married and he has a psycho girlfriend who I think wants to murder me in my sleep. We're both happy"

"The wedding is still happening?" He asked.

"Of course the wedding is still happening. Our families did not put in a million dollars for it to not happen" I explained.

"So that is the only reason why you're going through with it?" He narrowed his eyes at me.

"No, I love Theo"

"But do you love him the way you love Charles?" He pushed.

I stayed silent, thinking about what to say. "I'm done with this conversation" I said annoyed.

"I'll take that as a no" He muttered under his breath as he took a sip of wine.

The topic was not brought up the rest of the night and we all went our separate ways when we returned to the hotel.

The next day we went to breakfast and went shopping for a few hours before we jumped into a yacht during the final hours before we had to got to the event. Yachts were our favorite place to spend time, especially ever since I started dating Theo who owns one that ports in Monaco most of the time and lets me use it whenever. We went on jet skies and pulled out the inflatable slide. After a few hours of sun, which began coming down, we went back to shore and to the hotel to get ready.

We used my room since I wasn't sharing with anyone as the place to get ready with the girls. Getting 3 girls ready in a single hotel room is a mess, makeup, clothes and fake eyelashes thrown everywhere.

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