3.3 - Supermarkets & Decisions

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Charles hopped out of the car when he was done and our eyes met from across the crowd. I smiled proudly at his achievement and even though he was wearing his big helmet, I knew he was smiling too. Max followed to park his car by the second place spot and got out, harshly taking his helmet off. I knew it pissed him off that he couldn't push hard enough for pole. He placed his helmet and gear in his designated spot while Charles went over to collect the pole award tire and sign it. He took a few pictures before heading into the garage quickly.

I interviewed a few drivers before Max came over.

"Hey" I said. "You okay?"

I hugged him and rubbed his back, trying to make him feel better.

"It's just shitty you know. I know I can do it and when he gets it it's always so close I can feel it slipping out of my fingers" He explained.

"I know honey but not getting pole doesn't kill your chances for P1 tomorrow. I know you like a little battle" I jokingly pushed him with my body.

Max laughed. "You want to do the interview?"

"If you would bless me with your presence and wise words" I joked.

"For you, I would do anything Liv" He laughed but I knew he meant it.

"Max, tough qualifying. Where do you think it went wrong?" I asked, pointing the microphone his way as the camera zoomed in on him.

"I think the car had a few troubles, I struggled a little to stay on track limits and struggled at turn 4 and 5 and that was time I could not recover later. I think we do have a lot of work to do for tomorrow" He nodded.

"As of right now, Charles is leading the championship by 9 points. How are you feeling about that?" I hard rubbing that in his face, especially right now but I had a job to do.

He patiently nodded. "Yeah, I think we have slacked off a little. We had the lead for a while and we've had a couple of races that have brought us down but it's something we have to discuss as a team. Ferrari is also ahead in the constructors championship despite Checo's great efforts this year to always get the team some good points. It's something we are definitely looking into, Christian is being very hands on with the situation looking at the data and seeing where we are struggling to hopefully fix it so we don't fall that behind and struggle in the next races"

"That's all, thank you!" I said. The cameras moved away. "I'll see you later"

He nodded and moved on to the next interviewer. I didn't have the chance to see Charles, he was doing lots of press and being very attentive to the fans so I stood out of his way and reminded myself to congratulate him later.

Liza and I went back to the hotel once we had wrapped everything up post qualifying. We laid in my bed, kind of bored out of our minds.

"What do you want to do?" Liza asked.

I groaned as we both stared the ceiling. "I don't know maybe we order food and watch something?"

"You want to stay in?" She said.

"Well I don't want to drive all the way to Milan to do something there. It's Saturday, the traffic must be awful and around here there's only museums and cathedrals"

"Do we just buy alcohol and get drunk here?" Liza laughed.

"Not a bad idea, let's just go for it" I said. It's funny how Liza is technically my boss but we have such a great relationship that it's more of a friendship than a work relationship.

We grabbed a hoodie and headed to the entrance. We walked around the streets and after almost getting ran over around 5 times we got to a supermarket where we ran around the aisles collecting supplies.

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