2.2 - Confrontation & Sudden Departures

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I pulled away from Charles and turned around. My heart rose to my throat when I saw Jack standing near us, staring at me and Charles.

"Fuck me, Jack's here" I said. Charles looked in his direction and frowned.

"Look at me" I said. I pulled his head in my direction with my hands. "Remember what we talked about, no violence. No matter what happens baby, I need you to promise me you won't do anything stupid. There's hundreds of people here and if someone posts a video of you, it's bad okay. Promise me Charles, I'll deal with it myself" I pleaded with him, he nodded and snapped his view over to Jack again.

I hopped off the counter and walked over to him.

"What are you doing here Jack?" I asked, trying to remain calm. I hadn't seen him since I packed everything out of the apartment.

"What are you doing here, Liv?" He repeated my question. "Since when are you back?"

"I'm not, I'm just here for tonight. I don't want any issues Jack, just fucking leave" I said.

"I'm not leaving, what is he doing here?" He motioned to Charles, which I know made him feel uneasy.

"He's my boyfriend, he's here with me" I replied firmly.

"Boyfriend? You sure as hell move fast" He spitted.

"Excuse me? I'm allowed to move on after everything you put me through asshole" I defended myself.

"Always knew you are a little slut" He muttered.

"What the fuck did you just call me?" I gritted through my teeth.

"Slut" he repeated. Before he could finish saying anything, I slapped him straight across the face as fast as I could. I heard a few gasps and oh's behind me.

He took a step towards me, touching his jaw to try and relieve the impact.

"What are you going to do? Hit me?" I challenged.

He took another sep forward and raised his hand. Before I knew it, two bodies stepped between us and one pulled me away. Nick and Dan, my friends, were standing in front of me. Val pulled me back and Charles grabbed me, holding me close enough for him to feel like he was protecting me.

"Back off Jack" Nick said.

Jack laughed. "See? Behind all of your friends you act tough. I know you Olivia, better than that asshole does. You'll come running back when he leaves you" He shouted at me, turned around and disappeared into the party.

I released a breath I didn't know that I was holding and Charles hugged, trying to calm me down. Everyone looked at me to make sure that I was fine and eventually returned to what they were doing.

"Are you okay?" Charles asked.

"Yeah, I just need to go to the bathroom" I smiled at him and made eye contact with Valerie. I motioned for her to come with me and she did. We both looked for the bathroom and managed to sneak in to avoid the line by Valerie pretending to want puke at any second. Worked like a charm every time. We closed the door behind us and I looked at myself in the mirror. My hair was a little messy and my face a little pale.

I threw some water on my face and dried off while Valerie sat on the bathroom counter.

"Jack is such a dick" She reassured me.

"Do you think I moved too fast?" I asked her.

She stayed silent for a second thinking. "No babe, you have the right to move on. You met Charles, he is wonderful and you two seem to be doing just perfect"

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