5.2 - Reunions & Conferences

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I flew to Milton Keynes on Friday, had a couple of meetings there at the headquarters with the teams, especially with the PR team and I introduced myself. I set a new plan for working, it wasn't that different from the one that they already had in place with their last managers and signed a few final paperwork they needed like my contract.

I drove to London to have lunch with Liza and visit their house while I was here, annoying Lando to the maximum of my ability in the short time that I had. After I was there for a few hours, I was forced by my mother, who was apparently told by my father who was told by Theo that I was going to be in England, to dinner. I drove an hour to Cambridge where I would spend the night unfortunately at my parents house until tomorrow when I flew back to Monaco.

Our dinner went like they always do, we sat in silence until my mom started asking intrusive questions and then I got mad and we started fighting and my father was on his phone trying to avoid hearing us argue until I eventually gave up with her and we didn't talk the rest of the night. This dinner's argument was the job offer and how she doesn't agree that I'm going to leave Theo for a couple of months and how I have better things to do like plan the wedding. I was marrying exactly the type of guy that my parent's wanted me to marry and they still had an issue with my life choices and my attitude.

I went to bed annoyed which was a reoccurrence every time I am in this house. I woke up early the next morning and I left my England car at my parents and had their driver take me to the airport where I took the jet back to Monaco. Things were not the best the rest of the week between Theo and I before I left for the race on Wednesday morning. I quit the job at the magazine, I left most things organized until I came back in three weeks. I took a jet with Max and Liza and other people helping Max and we arrived in Austin in the afternoon.

We checked into the hotel and we divided into our different rooms. It was weird that the last time I was here so many things went down but now I was the only one without a couple present so I was in a hotel room alone.

Eventually we all came down and we had dinner at a restaurant downtown and we enjoyed the city before we all had to work tomorrow. It was around 12 when I called Theo, it was 7AM in Monaco and he answered in a rush.

"Hi babe, I was just leaving. I have an early meeting" He scrambled on the phone.

"Oh, that's okay. I just wanted to check in, make sure you are good" I said.

"Mhm yes. I hope you have a great day tomorrow. We'll speak later I really have to go" He said before hanging up.

I sighed and went to bed. Tomorrow was going to be a weird day. I have been to a few races over the years to watch Lando and Max but I always kept to myself. I even left before podium celebrations to try and avoid any run ins or even any social media articles and photographs of my presence. Now, I worked there again. I had to be there all day, every day of the weekend and I was probably going to have some awkward run ins.

The next morning, aside from everything I was excited. I had enjoyed the year I worked covering races and Formula 1 was a sport that I had grown very fond off which is ironic since every time I had to watch it, it same along with my ex's face. I took a shower and dried my hair, the thing about working now for a team was that I had a uniform to wear at the track. I buttoned up the shirt that had RedBull and other sponsors logos plastered all over it and some black dress pants. I paired the outfit with some black heels, grabbed my ID pass, my purse and everything I needed before heading down. I was probably going to have something to eat at the energy station.

"Max, your ass needs to be downstairs in 1 minute" I said over the phone.

"You know, maybe getting you a job where you can technically boss me around was not a good idea" He said.

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