Twenty-Ninth Door

Start from the beginning

"I..." She put her hands over her face to hide her expression. "Mother, i'm so sorry."

"Why did you keep this hidden? Why did you lie to me?" Alcina said in a soft tone.

Cassandra sighed as she raised her glance to her mother. "I know you'd be furious with me, but I couldn't kill her; I couldn't just let her die. I told her to leave and make a new start in her life."

Alcina smiled and nodded. "Do you have any idea where she is?"

She shook her head. "I'm not sure what we were talking about, but we were exchanging letters, which I burnt so you wouldn't see. Her last letter to me stated that she had plastic surgery and that was the end of it," she chewed her lower lip. "What is it that you want to know about her? How did you find out?"

Alcina gave a sly grin. "Are you familiar with Vanessa?"

"The maid who imitates Clemy? Obviously, I despise that maid." Cassandra's eyes widened as she realized what she had. "No."

"Everything you're thinking is correct," Alcina stated.

"Is she Sam?" She got out of her chair.

"Sam is still alive?" From outside the room, Bela yelled.

"Bela! You moron, why did you yell?" Daniela made a hissing sound.

"You yelled as well, you moron!" Bela remarked.

"Girls, we can hear you from inside," with a shake of her head, Alcina said. "Let them in, Cassandra."

Cassandra approached the door and opened it, allowing Bela and Daniela to enter. With an uneasy smile on their lips, they approached Alcina.

Bela patted the back of her neck and apologized, "We just got interested."

"We were also scared since Cassandra was taking so long; we feared you'd found out about the dre—"

"What exactly are you referring to, Daniela? We've come to ask about Sam," Bela said while firmly grasping Daniela's shoulder.

Daniela's pupils dilated. "Yes, so you were saying that Sam is still alive?"

Alcina nodded. "She admitted that she did those damages to Clementine."

"What?!" They said in unison.

"I still need more information on why she did that. Mother Miranda and I are going to speak with her," she took a look at her phone. "I have to get going; Mother Miranda just texted me."

Bela pouted, "I knew she was sneaky."

Daniela remarked, "Mother, make her pay for what she did to Clemy."

Alcina smiled at them and turned to approach Cassandra, whose face was obscured at the time.

"Are you okay, Cassandra?" She inquired, causing her to shift her head towards her.

Cassandra gave a little smile and a nod, of course she wasn't feeling well. She is blaming herself for all that has happened.

"I'll see you all later," Alcina said. "For now I need to get to Mother Miranda's manor."

"Wait, Mother," says the narrator. Cassandra remarked.

Alcina shifted her gaze away from Cassandra and raised an eyebrow. "What is it?"

"Is it okay if I come you? The weather is ideal for me to venture outside."

"I'd like to come as well!" Bela exclaimed.

"Me too! I'd like to see mom," Daniela's lips were pursed.

Alcina's eyes welled up with sadness as she heard Daniela say the word mum. If only they had known what had happened on that fateful day.

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