Chapter 46 ~ Friends till the end *Final chapter*

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In the Zoom ~

Francesca: What's going on in here?

Violetta: Great we are all here, where we going to film friends till the end before the boys must do their music video.

Camila: Oh, great but what about Leon isn't be part of this?

Francesca: Yeah, Violetta did you ask your husband?

Federico: He knows about it where we showed him and Pablo the song.

Angie: Look, I'm sure they will come and watch.

Violetta: Okay, well how about Angie and Beto since you can play an instrument how about you play for us?

Angie: Yeah.

As they were talking Leo ran towards Violetta which made her confused while lifting him up she could see her husband walking with Pablo.

Leon: Hey guys.

Violetta: Leon, what are you doing here with Leo?

Pablo: We came to join you where the Studio is still a big part of us even if we were not here.

Leon: And I did have Leo and Danny since I took them to the park, but Ludmila took Danny home sorry Federico.

Federico: It's okay.

Leo ran to Herman after as he sat him on the piano, Jade didn't like the fact that he had grandchildren, where when she was marrying Herman all she wanted to do was send Violetta to the board since she couldn't stand kids.

Violetta: I'm happy your both here, but Leon didn't we agree we weren't going to bring the kids to the Studio after what happened with Tomas and Grace.

Leon: Baby, calm down, he's with Herman it's not like anything is going to happen.

Angie: Also, you can't leave Leo in the house on his own.

Violetta: No, but Ludmila could've taken Danny and Leo.

Leon: Baby, calm down, he's fine, and Grace is in school.

Jade: Bla, Bla, let's just get on with the song, shall we?

Herman: Yeah, let's do it.

They went up on stage.

After the song, they came off the stage, Clemont walked into the Zoom and walked to Gery.

Clemont: Hey beautiful

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Clemont: Hey beautiful.

Gery: Where have you been?

Clemont: I was in class.

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