Chapter 11 - The boys find out

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Broduey ~

After Camila told me about Francesca, I had a band meeting while she went to the Studio when I went to Leon's Garage where we rehearse, I saw Maxi, Andres and Leon talking, I felt bad for not sharing this secret, but Francesca doesn't want anyone to know yet, but I must tell the boys.

Andres: Oh, he finally decides to turn up.

Maxi: Yeah, where have you been?

Broduey: With Camila, why?

Leon: The record company wants us to do another tour.

Broduey: What? Where's Federico?

Leon: He's looking after Danny while Ludmila talks to her mom.

Broduey: So, if Federico is looking after Danny, who's looking after your two?

Leon: Violetta, since she isn't going to the Studio anymore, although I found her with a bottle of wine the night before.

Maxi: What? Violetta has never drunk alcohol in her life.

Leon: She says it's to help her cope, but the thing is I know she's regretting her decision to leave the studio, where she isn't talking to me anymore like we talk and every time I ask her about the studio, she changes the subject.

Broduey: Camila has been down too that's why I'm taking her to Hawaii, just to cheer her up.

Andres: Wait a minute, you think taking Camila away will cheer her up?

Leon: Actually, I was thinking of taking Violetta away.

Maxi: Is this now, you two are going to take Camila and Violetta away from everything?

Leon: I know that's what her dad did, but it's the only way to get her to talk to me, and maybe we will be able to get somewhere, without the alcohol or depression.

Maxi: Do you think Violetta is depressed?

Leon: I know since she left the Studio, she hasn't been herself, it's like she's missing something, I don't think me, Angie, her dad, or the kids are enough for her.

Maxi: So, what are we going to do about the tour?

Leon: I don't think I can do it, where I need to be here for Violetta and my kids, but you lot can go.

Broduey: I will need to be here for Camila too.

Andres: We're doing it again; we are putting our girlfriends ahead of the band again.

Leon: Well, second Violetta isn't my girlfriend she's my wife and I have two kids Andres I need to be here for them.

Broduey: What about you Maxi?

Maxi: Well, it's no point going where it's just going to be me and Andres if you don't come nor Leon, and Federico won't come where he has Danny.

Broduey: So, what are we suggesting?

Leon: I think the band is over.

Broduey: What? why don't we just postpone the tour until we are all better prepared and thought more clearly?

Leon: What? Until the next time when you're getting married with kids and Naty and Maxi are on their honeymoon and Federico and I are old, no I think this is it for us.

Maxi: Now hang on a minute, Leon, we can't make this decision without Pablo or Federico where they are part of this as well.

Leon: Guys, we said that we would finish the CD and then that's it we were done with the band because it was getting in the way of our girlfriends.

There was a silence until Broduey said something which made the boys confused about what he was talking about.

Broduey: Leon is right, and Camila and I will need to be there for Francesca and Diego now.

Leon: What?

Maxi: Why have you got to be there for Francesca and Diego?  

Broduey: I said too much, I'm sorry I can't tell you, because you will tell Violetta and Francesca doesn't want her to know that she's pregnant... *Covers his mouth*

Maxi: What? Francesca's pregnant?

Leon: But why doesn't she want Violetta to know? *Realizes why* Oh, because of the way she was when they were getting married.

Broduey: Exactly.

Maxi: Wait a minute, why did she tell you two? When Leon and Violetta know what they are going through even Federico and Ludmila? Why did she tell you two who have no idea what she is going through?

Leon: Yeah, she could've just talked to Ludmila and Federico, but I can't hide this from Violetta, she'll hate me for it.

Broduey: Leon, you must, because if Francesca finds out that Camila told me and I told you, then Violetta finds out I'm done for.

Leon: Broduey, this is something big and you're asking me to lie to my wife.

Broduey: No, I'm not asking you to lie, I'm asking you to pretend you didn't hear anything.

Maxi: Well, Francesca isn't going to be happy to know, that you are spreading it around.

Broduey: Nor will Camila.

Maxi: Well, Camila could never keep a secret, just look at when Diego wrote that song for Violetta, she told Leon straight away.

Leon: Diego, could've at least talked to me or Federico.

Broduey: Francesca, wanted to keep it down for a bit.

Maxi: But Violetta is going to be so angry and upset with them for not trusting her.

Broduey: You didn't hear anything.  

A/N: ~ 

Thank you for reading. 

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