Chapter 18 ~ Violetta overhears Francesca and Diego.

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After some time, Francesca was in the singing room with Diego singing anything can happen.

Diego: That was incredible right?

Francesca: Of course, because I'm singing with a great person, I still haven't told Violetta about the pregnancy.

Diego: I thought you were going to tell her yesterday.

Francesca: I tried to, but she was too busy packing for her trip with Leon, do you think it's the right time to tell her.

Diego: Francesca, she's your best friend besides she needs to know, you told Camila it isn't fair if you keep it away from her.

Francesca: But we told Camila and Broduey before Violetta and Leon.

Diego: Francesca Violetta will understand how important your friendship is and how much being in the baby's life is.

Francesca: Your right, I will just say to her Violetta I'm pregnant, I love you.

As they kissed Violetta walked in after seeing them pull away when Diego and Francesca looked at the door.  

Francesca: I'm sorry, Violetta, I didn't mean to shout at you

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Francesca: I'm sorry, Violetta, I didn't mean to shout at you...

Violetta: Wait, your pregnant and you didn't think to tell me.

Francesca: I tried to tell you yesterday, but you weren't listening.

Violetta: Wait, don't blame me, you should've told me, I thought I was your best friend.

Francesca: Well, I told Camila and Broduey not to tell you.

Violetta: Hang on Camila knew and Broduey? Who else did you tell before me?

Francesca: Just Broduey and Camila.

Violetta: Camila? I thought I was your best friend as well not just Camila.

Francesca: You are my best friend Violetta.

Violetta: Obviously I'm not otherwise you would've told me instead of hiding this from me, no wonder you've been moody.

Francesca: Please, I'm sorry.

Violetta: No, you couldn't trust me to keep this a secret then fine Francesca you obviously don't want a part of your baby's life or yours and Diego's, then fine I won't be a part of any of you.

Diego: We didn't know how you were going to react where I know you've been depressed and being a mom and being with Leon, we thought you wouldn't be alright with it.

Violetta: Enough, I'm not upset about you not telling me, I'm more upset that you thought I wouldn't be happy for you and your news, but I guess I'm selfish right?

Francesca: No... Violetta...

Violetta: I feel so foolish. I thought we were close, but I was wrong.

She walked away as Francesca turned to Diego wiping her tears away.

Diego: she doesn't mean it, she's just upset

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Diego: she doesn't mean it, she's just upset.

Francesca: But she has the right to be upset where I didn't trust her, and I should've just told her.

Diego: You were trying to protect her.

Francesca: But... *Wipes her tears*

Diego: I feel as bad as you do Francesca, it'll work it she'll talk with Leon, and he will make her see sense.

Diego wiped her tears away trying to calm her and hugged her.

A/N: ~ 

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A/N: ~ 

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