Chapter 23 ~ Violetta and Leon argue.

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Gery walked in hearing Violetta and Leon shouting at each other as she interrupted them making Violetta angry.

Gery: Enough, both of you, what would Grace and Leo think if they were here?

Violetta: Were you spying on us?

Gery: No, I just came here to talk to Leon, and I just happened to be here when you were arguing, but what would Grace and Leo think if their parents were fighting like this?

Violetta: Well, this has nothing to do with you and you don't talk about my children especially since you are a part of Lara and Tomas.

Leon: Violetta, listen to me...

Violetta: No, Leon, I can't believe you all lied and kept this from me like I'm some sort of glass to break.

Leon: Violetta, I wanted to tell you, but I thought it was best for Francesca to tell you herself.

Violetta: How about this? How about we don't go away, and I don't talk to you at all? You can see your kids, but you will not talk to me, and you can sleep either here or on the sofa.

Leon: Is that necessary?

Violetta walked away and Leon was looking into space shaking his head because he couldn't believe what just happened with Violetta.  

Meanwhile, Francesca was in the singing room sitting on the chair thinking about Violetta, until Diego walked in

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Meanwhile, Francesca was in the singing room sitting on the chair thinking about Violetta, until Diego walked in.

Diego: Hey, my love

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Diego: Hey, my love.

Francesca: Hi.  

Diego: How are you Mrs. Caviglia - Hernandez?

Francesca: I tried talking to Violetta and she blanked me.

Diego: Hmm, I heard that she and Leon have had an argument so now Leon has to sleep on the sofa and not talk to Violetta.

Francesca: Oh, no what have we done Diego? I knew telling Violetta would be a bad idea, but I didn't think it would be this complicated too many people are involved.

Diego: Hey, this isn't your fault we should've just told her, but she was going through a lot.

Francesca: Well. She said that we used it as an excuse to not tell her, but I think I'm going to go and talk to Leon where I need to thank him for keeping this a secret.

Diego: Come here.

Diego hugs her and she hugged him back.

Diego: We are going to be fine I promise, it's me, you, and this little one our little family that's all we need

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Diego: We are going to be fine I promise, it's me, you, and this little one our little family that's all we need.

Francesca: Your right, have you told your dad?

Diego: Sh*t I knew I had to do something; I'll tell him later.  

Francesca: Right, I'm going to go and talk to Leon.

Diego: Oh, I have some notebooks you can give back to him.

Diego gave her Leon's notebooks as she made her way to his house, he was upstairs so she had to wait downstairs when he could hear him shouting Leo's name.

Leon: Leo, watch the movie and don't hurt your sister, *Looks at Francesca* Hey

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Leon: Leo, watch the movie and don't hurt your sister, *Looks at Francesca* Hey.

Francesca: Hi, Diego wanted me to give you these.

Leon: Oh, thanks, how are you?

Francesca: I'm good you know.

Leon: Well, I guess you heard about Violetta, and I aren't talking.

Francesca: I am sorry, for what this has done to you and Violetta, I didn't mean it to become so complicated.

Leon: Hey, you did what you thought was right and I'm in the wrong as well because I should've told her, but I didn't because she was going through a lot with leaving the Studio and I thought it would be best for you tell her.

Francesca: Well, I'm grateful you not telling her, even if it's cost your marriage.

Leon: Nah, don't worry, I'll get her to talk to me, *Jokes* I'll work my charm around her.

Francesca: *Laughs* Well, it's why she fell for you.

Leon: Besides this is Violetta, we're talking about she can't stay mad at me forever; she'll want something from me later then it won't last.  

Francesca: But I do want Violetta to talk to me again.

Leon: Trust me, she'll come around but right now you need to focus on you and your little one along with Diego because the only thing that matters now is the pregnancy.

Francesca: And the only thing that matters for you is getting Violetta to talk to you and your children.

Leon: Exactly, Violetta will come around she's just angry and upset right now.  

Francesca: Thanks, Leon, you are a great friend, father, and husband to Violetta.

Leon: Well, I try my best.

Francesca: No, really, since you've been with Violetta you've changed into a good guy, I remember in the studio the first time you were with Ludmila you were a jerk, and then you changed when Violetta came you fell so in love with her and I know even when she hurt you, we all thought you change back to your old self, but you kept fighting for that Leon and now you're a father to two beautiful children and Diego is the same.  

Leon: Well, Diego changed because of what he did to Violetta but also because he found love in you.  

Francesca: Well, I better go I just wanted to thank you and say that I'm sorry for costing your marriage.  

Francesca walked out while Leon put his notepads down and went back up to the kids.

A/N: ~

Thank you for reading.


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