Chapter 24 ~ Violetta's drinking again?

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Meanwhile, Leon was at home where Violetta was still giving Leon the silent treatment, while he was playing with Grace and Leo in their room, he could hear his name being called as he stood on the balcony where their house was like Herman's house, he looked down and could see Violetta with a bleeding hand.

Violetta: *Crying* Leon!!! Please!!!

Leon: Oh, my god, baby, what did you do? *Walkes down the stairs towards her*

Violetta: Please just help me stop bleeding.

Leon: Shh, look sit down while I go get the first aid kit.

As Leon walked into the kitchen to look for the first aid kit, he saw a wine bottle smashed on the floor with blood all over it, as he went back into the room, Violetta was losing a lot of blood which made her lose consciousness.

Leon: Baby, keep your eyes open.

Violetta: I can't Leon.

Leon: Shh, you must because you're losing a lot of blood.  

Violetta tried to keep her eyes open while Leon was cleaning the blood which was painful, as he was cleaning the blood, he thought he would ask her about this and the wine bottle.

Leon: Baby, how did you do this?

Violetta: Don't ask me.

Leon: No, I will ask you, why is there a smashed wine bottle on the floor? Are you drinking again?

Violetta didn't answer where she couldn't tell him that she wasn't drinking, but she also couldn't tell him she was drinking.

Leon: Violetta? Tell me the truth? Are you?

Violetta: *Lies* No, Leon.

Leon: You're lying to me now? Violetta, don't you dare lie to me.

As Violetta was looking at him then Grace shouted from the stairs.

Grace: Daddy?

Leon: *Still looking at Violetta* Yes, Grace?

Grace: Are you coming back up?

Leon: I'll be there soon.

Grace: Is mommy, okay?

Violetta: I'm okay, honey.

Leon: Yeah, she's shouting at daddy again, but she's fine, why don't you go play with Leo and I'll be right there.

Violetta was still looking down as she started to cry, Grace was suspicious of her parents, while Leon was stroking the back of her head as he pulled her towards his chest.

Violetta: *Crying* I'm sorry, I'm falling apart.

Leon: Baby, drinking isn't going to help you, I think you need to go back to the Studio.

Violetta: What?

Leon: Hear me out, Violetta, where you leaving the studio it hasn't been good for you.

Violetta: Leon...

Leon: Baby, no don't say anything, I think you need the Studio in your life otherwise you are going to be depressed all your life.

Violetta: No, Leon I want to be with you and the kids besides there's no point going back to the studio.

Leon: Why not? Baby?

Violetta: Because Angie said that they've had to stop students from going to the studio.

Leon: Why don't you help them? Because then you'll have a distraction.

Violetta: And the children?

Leon: Baby, Grace is in school, and don't worry about Leo I'll take care of him.

Violetta: I don't want to leave you, Leon.

Leon: Baby, I'll be here when you get home.

Violetta: But I loved being home with you and the kids.

Leon: Baby, trust me this will make you feel better.

Violetta: Okay, I'll go back tomorrow.

Leon: Well, I have rehearsal with the boy's tomorrow, but I'll see if your dad can look after Leo for us, but I'll take Grace to school.

Violetta: *Looks at her hand* Okay, I'm hoping this will heal soon.

Leon: It will, just keep the bandage on it.

Grace: Dad, are you coming back now?

Leon: I'm on my way, Grace.

Violetta: What is the time?

Leon: 9:00 pm, baby.

Violetta: I might go up to bed, where I'm tired.

Leon: Okay, baby, I'm going to play with Grace and Leo for a bit before they go to bed.  

Violetta: Okay, I'll probably be asleep the time you come to bed.

Leon: Okay, baby, goodnight.

Violetta: Goodnight.

As Violetta went up to bed, she put her pajamas on and got into bed, as she put her head on the pillow, she started to fall asleep, while Leon was putting Grace and Leo to sleep, he turned off the light and closed the door ajar as he went into his room he started getting undressed for bed when he could hear sniffling from Violetta, he stroked her leg as he got into bed.

Leon: Shh, baby, it's okay.

Violetta: Leon, can I cuddle you?

Leon: Come here then *Opens his arm*

Violetta cuddled into Leon as she pushed him gently onto his back while putting her head under his jawline and resting her head on his shoulder blade. 

A/N: ~

Thank you for reading. 

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