Chapter 17 ~ Francesca tries to tell Violetta she's pregnant.

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Francesca ~

I've decided to tell Violetta about Diego and I having a baby, but I know she was still packing for her trip with Leon, so I walked to her house not to help but to tell her the truth as I felt bad for keeping it a secret for so long when I got to her house Olga let me in and I walked upstairs to her room where I saw Camila.

Camila: Francesca, what are you doing here?

Violetta: Ah, Francesca are you here to help me?

Francesca: No, I'm uh here because there's something I need to tell you.

Camila: *Whispers* Are you sure? She's ready for this?

Francesca: The truth is... Diego and I...

Violetta: *Cuts her off* Do you think I'm going need a jacket depending on where we go?

Camila: I would take one just in case, but Violetta...

Francesca: I'm trying to tell you something, Violetta.

Violetta: *Cuts her off again* You must see the place that Leon has booked it's so beautiful.

Camila: Violetta!!!

Francesca: You know what forget it.

Violetta: What?

Camila: Violetta!!!

Francesca: No, forget it, Camila, this was a mistake.

She walked out and Camila was angry at Violetta as she was confused.

Violetta: What's her problem?

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Violetta: What's her problem?

Camila: Violetta, she wanted to tell you something but as usual you made it about you again.

Violetta: What?

Camila: You are such a bad friend Violetta, your best friend wanted to tell you something and you just cut her off.

She walked out while Violetta was on her own, she started feeling depressed again.  

After Violetta finished packing, Angie went upstairs with some food on a tray as Violetta didn't come down for dinner because she wasn't feeling it.

Angie: How are you?

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Angie: How are you?

Violetta: Francesca and Camila left me.

Angie: Why?

Violetta: Because I was packing, and Francesca wanted to tell me something, but Camila got mad at me because I wasn't listening, she said I made it all about me instead.

Angie: Oh, you weren't listening to Francesca.

Violetta: Well, not on purpose, I was concentrating on packing and I'm still not feeling 100% myself.

Angie: Well, I'm sure, she'll forgive you.

Violetta: You didn't see how angry they were especially Francesca maybe I wasn't listening, and I should've been her friend there, I don't know what's going on with me anymore Angie.

Angie: What do you mean?

Violetta: Well, I haven't been a great friend, parent, or wife I bet Leon regrets marrying me.

Angie: No, Leon loves you and you're a great parent and friend you've been through a lot Leon thinks the world of you.

Violetta: Angie, I just want to be on my own.

Angie: Sure, what should I tell Leon when he comes in with the kids?

Violetta: Just send him up.

Angie: Okay.

Angie left Violetta as she was still eating, when she finished eating, Leon walked in with the kids running behind him to Angie and Herman.  

A/N: ~ 

Thank you for reading. 

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