Chapter 19 ~ Diego tries to talk to Violetta.

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When Violetta got home and went up to her room Ludmila walked in and tried talking to her, but Violetta wasn't really listening until she told Ludmila about Francesca and Diego.

Ludmila: Ah, your home, I need to talk to you.

Violetta: Not right now Ludmila.

Ludmila: No, right now before you start being busy with Leon.

Violetta: *Cuts her off* Did you know that Francesca and Diego are expecting a baby?

Ludmila: Ah, you know.

Violetta: Wait, you knew?

Ludmila: Yeah, Federico told me, well Broduey told the guys when they were rehearsing for the band and Broduey told Leon not to tell you.

Violetta: Oh, even my husband knew about them, in fact everyone knew but me.

Ludmila: Look, we did it to protect you.

Violetta: so, everyone is saying but protect from me what?

Ludmila: Well, your depression Violetta, it hit you hard when you left the Studio, we just didn't want to make it worse for you.

Violetta: By not telling me that my best friend is having a baby.

Ludmila: Look, we did what was best for you.

Ludmila looked at the door where she saw Diego standing in the doorway.

Ludmila: Oh, good luck on talking to her

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Ludmila: Oh, good luck on talking to her.

She left as Diego walked in.

She left as Diego walked in

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Diego: Can we talk?

Violetta: Depends are you going to lie to me again?

Diego: No, I'm just going, to tell the truth.

Violetta: Are you sure because I don't believe the sh*t that comes out of your mouth anymore since last year, I'll tell you what Diego your very good at lying and playing with people's feelings.

Diego: Now, that's not fair Violetta.

Violetta turns to him shouting at him.

Violetta: Oh, what's not fair? That you lied about your feelings for me last year because of your father and Ludmila or that you and my so-called best friend hid the fact that you were having a baby? I can't quite put my finger on it

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Violetta: Oh, what's not fair? That you lied about your feelings for me last year because of your father and Ludmila or that you and my so-called best friend hid the fact that you were having a baby? I can't quite put my finger on it.

Diego: All of it, look we wanted to tell you, but we couldn't find a great time.

Violetta: Oh, so your saying excuses well I guess that's better than lying about feelings or keeping secrets, it turns out everybody knew about this pregnancy but for me.

Diego: Well, you were going through a hard time, and we didn't want to make you worse.

Violetta: Oh, I love how everyone is making my depression as an excuse not telling me, look I am not fragile I am not made of glass you can tell me these things.

Diego: Well, Leon...

Violetta: No, don't do that, don't make Leon the villain here, he is the love of my life Diego, and I can tell you are not ruining this by blaming him.

Diego: He should've told you.

Violetta was more shouting.

Violetta: He should've told me? no Diego you and Francesca should've told me not him it isn't his secret to tell you two should've had the nerve to tell me

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Violetta: He should've told me? no Diego you and Francesca should've told me not him it isn't his secret to tell you two should've had the nerve to tell me.

Diego: What's it going to take for you to not be mad anymore?

Violetta: Maybe you leave the doors over there use it.

Diego: Fine, but you can't be mad at Francesca forever she's your best friend and besides she needs you by her side through this pregnancy.

Violetta: No, she has Camila and you and the rest of the gang she doesn't need me.

Diego left and Violetta cried.  

A/N: ~ 

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