Chapter 32 ~ A miscarriage

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The show was coming to the end as Violetta was now the last to sing, as she was just thanking everyone Leon was stopping Grace from jumping up and down while holding Leo in his arms as he was asleep in his chest.

Violetta: I would like to thank you for all coming and this is the last song of the night I hope you enjoy it.

Grace: *Shouts from the crowd* Go, mommy.

The audience watched the little girl proud as it melts their hearts, Leon was rubbing Grace's back.

Violetta: That's my daughter everyone.

As Violetta started singing, Francesca was sat with Camila until the pain from her side went to her stomach which turned into cramps, as Francesca was deep breathing Camila noticed her.

Camila: Francesca, are you okay?

Francesca: *Breathes* Yeah, *In pain* Ah, no Camila I think my water just broke.

Camila: WHAT!!!

As she shouted someone in the audience shushed her.

Camila: *Whispers* Sorry, Francesca we need to get you to the hospital.

Broduey stood by the table where they were.

Camila: Broduey, Francesca's water has broken tell Diego to get to the hospital.

Broduey: Okay.

Camila and Francesca went to the hospital by a taxi while Broduey told Diego that Francesca was in labor.

Broduey: Diego, Francesca's in labor she and Camila are going to the hospital now, they want you to go and meet them.

Diego: What?

Leon: Dude, it's time you're going to be a dad, come on I'll drive.

Leon gave Leo to Broduey and told him to look after Grace even though Violetta was on stage. As Leon drove to the hospital with Diego while Diego was talking to Leon.

Diego: I'm freaking out, Leon.

Leon: Come on, Diego it's not as bad.

Diego: Wasn't you scared when Violetta told you that you were going to be a father.

Leon: Diego, I found out I was already a dad when I was on tour remember?

Diego: Exactly, and the second time.

Leon: The second time was my wedding day where Violetta was being secretive and I was just built with anger, but this is different between you and Francesca where you knew, and you were happy when you found out she was pregnant.

Diego: Yeah, even worse than it broke Violetta and Francesca's friendship.

Leon: That doesn't matter right now what does matter is your baby is going to be born and you will do anything for their life to be perfect better than your life, where look at Grace and Leo, Violetta had a hard life when she was young, but we made sure that Grace and Leo never experienced any of that.

Diego: Yeah, where Violetta traveled around the world like a suitcase, and you never did that with Grace or Leo.

Leon: No, and Violetta never went to school, but Grace is in school.

As Leon pulled into the hospital's car park they ran inside where they saw Camila in the waiting room.

Diego: Camila, where is she?

Camila: She's through there, uh... Diego they are...

Diego: *Talks to the Doctor*Excuse me Francesca Caviglia was just here can you tell me what room she's in, as she's, my wife.

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