And, then his emotions were masked once again, and his face became the stone-cold one that she now resented.

"How's Barry?" He breathed, not wanting to talk about how much he needed her anymore.

"Ah, he's still sleeping... I prefer sleeping to coma... Cause coma sounds, you know, not fun." She blinked, breathing in heavily, and looking away from Oliver and Diggle.

Oliver wanted to talk to her, to console her, but instead he just looked at her with a look that could make her heart melt 5,000 different ways. She hated that he still held that effect over her. She hated that she still loved him sometimes. 

"I'll reach out to Detective Lance." Felicity sighed, not wanting to talk to him anymore.

Oliver just briefly nodded, and Felicity turned around and walked out. She needed air, something to get her mind off of him, of Barry, of everything that was going on in her life right now. Talking to Detective Lance might actually get her mind off of it. 

As she drove to meet him, she realized that he would probably figure out that she was helping the "Arrow." She didn't know if that was a good thing or a bad thing, but she knew that she needed to get evidence from the bomb residue to better know who this guy is, and how to find him. She knew that's why Oliver called her. She knew how to track people. He knew that. 

Maybe she could hide it, and just act like she wanted to help. I mean, she did want to help, but he didn't have to know that she and the Arrow were involved. It could just be like old times when she helped their investigations.

Felicity pulled into the parking lot of the precinct, and quickly got out. Detective Lance was waiting for her outside the precinct. 

"I was hoping you would call." He smiled, holding the door open for her. 

She just laughed, "You know I can't refuse helping big investigations."

He laughed too, leading her to his office. Once they were inside, Felicity sat down across from him, and waited until he was seated behind his desk to ask him about the residue.

"So, Miss Smoak, what can I do to help you catch this son of a bitch?" He grinned.

"Well, that bomb residue that you have in evidence... If I could get a sample of it, maybe I can backtrace him. All bombers have their own unique make-up. So, maybe knowing what he uses, I can locate him." Felicity babbled, trying to sound like she knew what she was talking about. 

He just looked at her, and nodded.

"Of course. Sit tight. I'll get that for you." He said, getting up, and leaving her in the office alone. 

She let out a sigh of relief, silently thanking Diggle for texting her more information about the bombs. She only knew so much about them. Felicity was a computer genius, not a bomb genius. 

She got out her phone and quickly text Oliver, telling him that she was able to get a sample of it. 

It wasn't even in a minute later when he responded a simple, "Good."

"A thank you would be nice." She mumbled to herself, angrily tucking the phone back into her pocket. 

Lance came back in minutes later with a bag of the residue. He handed it to her, smiling. 

"Here ya go. Let me know what you find out as soon as you know."

"Sure thing, Detective." Felicity smiled, putting the bag of residue into her own bag. 

She then said her goodbyes, and walked out. She felt her phone buzzing in her pocket, and looked to see that it was another update. Another bomb had gone off.

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