07. Too Touchy. I'm Gunna Die!

Comenzar desde el principio

Oh well, it suck when you don't have any particular goal in life so she decided that saving the trio would be the best course of action. And if that goes well, Levi might not be completely alone for that.


Y/n snapped out of her trance as she turned to the person who was calling her. When her eyes cleared back to reality, Isabel's face was already in front of her. So close it felt surreal.

The girl, quickly holding her by the cheeks catching the redhead off guard.

"W-wha?!" She couldn't continue as her face began to turn red.

"Oh dear... your hair suits you." She sighed in relief, letting go of her cheeks before letting herself collapse from the cushion of the grass.

The other watched her, dumbfounded. The trio were just done with their own practice when they saw the vice commander spacing out like she always did.

From perspective, she looked as though she was merely lazing around. But the more you piece it up, it almost feels like she's removing herself from this reality to her own which is a bit worrying, especially during expeditions.

She also spouts words which doesn't significantly have any connection at all.  She just say it like it simply came to mind and nothing else.

Just like now...

"Character development happens a lot during or after a tragedy. But those things are only made specially for the mcs so why the fuck are you an exception?" She muttered while looking up the sky. The three looked at each other then back to her selfless complains. "Damn, Isayama-sensei. I'm gonna die thinking how meme worthy your titans are..."

The confused three watch her as she spoke to 'Isayama-sensei' with curses and complaints about a certain ova plot over why he had to create such 'beans' only to make them literal 'chow beans' and killed them off that easily on a twenty minute episode.

Somehow, it made them feel uneasy over her excessive self talks. She spoke a lot of slang belonging to no language in particular and sometimes added easterner languages from her words. She also started talking about zombie apocalypse and if this life forbids, she would already have said the spoilers  with their whole names on it.

"Hey brat," Levi kicked her shoe while disliking how the other soldiers were glaring at him with contempt.

Isabel could only grit her teeth at the 'fanboys' who keeps giving them unlikable looks.

"Hey vice, why don't you talk to your fanboys to stop glaring." Isabel called out.

Y/n looked at the young redhead and shrugged. "You'll get used to it." She replied. "Well unless, you have eyes as scary as, dear shorty here then life would be easier."

Levi glared at her after she said that while his two friends sweatdropped by how she had casually insulted their aniki's well being. Y/n, being naturally nonchalant on the outside gave no reaction but kept screaming in both fear and fangirling inside nonetheless.

Step on me, I'm ready.

But of course, she wouldn't say that out loud. She simply laid there staring up at the clouds.

"Ah, by the way, you'll be slaying the fake bitches." She suddenly remembered that she's going to take them to the training grounds for maneuver gears.

But the confused trio did not understand her.

"I mean, you'll be practicing titan killing with the decoys." She cleared.

"That's why you should speak properly, Y/n. No one understands you."

From behind, another female came to view. A woman with wide smile and notable glasses came.

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