While continuing her thoughts, she moves around a few boxes of clothes on the floor in the left corner and then lifts the carpet up.

'For now, there is nothing I can do with the gods being there watching me, I show just make sure not to get over their bottom line.'

Looking at her hiding spot, she is glad only three days passed after the last clean was done in her room. She only touches this hidden place in certain days and by a certain duration, like the first 3 or 4 days after it is cleaned by the maids.

After that, she leaves it be because it would be too suspicious that only that spot wouldn't have a speck of dust when they arrive the next time for cleaning. She remembered the maids did a deep cleaning 3 days ago. So this is critical time to check the hiding spot.

'I have to write down the things that occured today and move this book where I hide the aphrodisiac. I need to be able to grab it any chance I get so I have no choice but to move it.'

Sakura could have grabbed a new journal and write her "prophecies" in it and hide it in the area where the aphrodisiac is in, but then if she gets a new journal out of nowhere and then isn't seen around her, then it would appear suspicious.

The only reason she has the this one was because it was the journal of Rose's mother. It held her secret thoughts and even proof of her connection with the corruption cult bastards.

Sakura stole this with no reserve and wanted to use it as proof. But then thought of using it for herself as well.

'A journal or diary on the surface for the child Sakura is hidden in one of the three "hidden" spots, while this is a journal for my real thoughts and real plans. I should write the bullshit I came up with today and then use it as reference for future talks.'

Thinking that, she searched around the bare wooden floor, she was cautious and didn't use any light source so her vision was very low in the closet that has no windows.

But she found what she was looking for. Using her her index finger she pushes it through a crack in the floor and lifts the wooden board with her finger. It was straining but the moment it lifted up she used her whole hand to lift it all the way.

Using her other hand, she gently moves the wood and what is in display to her light vision are wooden blocks.

Building blocks made for children was covering the floor. Sakura didn't seem surprised. Rather, she was relieved to see it still in place where she last left them.

'I remember in all those suspenseful movies where people would hide things in the cracks on the floor, people always find it because of the hallow sounds that sound after hitting those specific spots. So I thought of using this blocks to at least lessen the sounds. And if even that doesn't work and it is found, then they will just see blocks and nothing else.'

She quietly and steadily moved the blocks out and what laid under them was three long blocks. They were double the size of the blocks used to cover them and they just appeared to be blocks to built bigger structures.

Salura smiles and removes one of them. She pulls it out and turns it. If anyone else saw it would quickly notice that the block has a slip of some sort. That one side of the block you can slide it out to see it hollow inside, yet rather than seeing just the inside of a hollow block, it appears to be a sort of vortex of emptiness.

It would surprise anyone else if they saw it because they would be shocked to see an spatial space was made inside a block for children!?

'Hehe. I bet  grandpa Keir didn't expect I would use this not to store my blocks, but to hide away things from others.'

This was Sakura's 4th birthday present from the dwarf emperor. He thought it would be convenient for her to take her blicks with her if he gave her a secret toy block with spatial magic installed in it for storage.

No one knew except for Sakura and him since he gave her a whole set of blocks while mixing this one in it so it doesn't appear suspicious if he had handed her just one block.

Now it isn't something to be so secretive of in a normal setting if he gave her a purse with spatial space magic. However the reason it was so hidden was because he gave her once with mid-tier 4th stage spatial magic installed in it, and more so it was a block which would be considered wasteful to embed such magic on, especially if it was for a child to use for playing.

But the dwarf emperor was an eccentric man who liked to experiment a lot. So even if in the eyes of others it is a waste, for him it was fun and innovating to try something no one else would try.

Now Sakura is 7 years old and would have no real intrest with playing with blocks anymore so it didn't surprise anyone if she lost a few blocks over the years. So she quickly made this block the main source for hiding her things away.

While thinking that she used this change to silently return to where she hid the aphrodisiac and her mother jewels. She carefully removed those things and then brought it close to the block where the void of darkness was. The things were sucked into the void and was stored inside as if it didn't exist to begin with. Feeling more safer with those things hidden more better. She sticks her hand into the block and thought of the journal.

Feeling something in her palm, she grabs onto it and pulls her hand out. A red journal leaves the spatial space and is in her grasp.

Looking at the old journal, she smirks and places in beside her. She then slides closed the side of the block with the opening of the spatial space and now it appeared like any other ordinary block.

She heads back to the closet and begin placing everything back to how it was silently and slowly as she can so it wouldn't end up attracting attention if anyone was awake.

After placing the carpet back and smoothing it a bit, she sighs in relief and returns to the place she left the journal.

On her way she stops and turns toward her desk. There she grabs a pencil and then heads toward the journal on the floor.

She grabs it and heads to the window. Crouching she makes herself comfortable and made sure to position herself so she doesn't block the moonlight.

Using that as her only light source, she flips to the last page and flips it upside down. And then begins to write on it all that just occured and what she discovered while talking to them.

'They seem to be remembering things like I had thought. Itseems to be Gabriel's first time recalling the past, but it seems papa started to recall things even before him.... maybe around when I became Sakura. But I don't have enough information on that except from his reaction. Maybe bit by bit the others will remember bits and pieces.'

While writing that down she then thinks back to what Adonis told her yesterday.

"... it seems that some may not have memories of the past, but the emotions felt in the other lives are remembered by their soul and would have some affect in their interaction with me.... I wonder if that had some type of effect on Phelan when he met me.."

While mumbling her thoughts, she noticed that the moonlight begin to dim to a different shade.

Looking out the window she sees the sun just barely peeking out.

'It's beginning to brighten to the next day. I should put this away and go back to bed. Raphael would be here in an hour or so.'

Thinking that she was too lazy to stand so she crawls back to the hidden spot and uses that as the new space for the journal.

'Well, time to take a nap before facing whatever today brings me. For now, hopefully they are distracted by the information they already recieved. It should buy me more time for whatever else they ask of me. So for now, let's just plan slowly.'

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