Start from the beginning

“Tch! Just admit you’re lustful! You definitely need to be punished seeing how it’s affecting your work!”

“Oi! Don’t throw dirt on me like that! What do you mean affect my work, in what way was my work affected?!”

After the century war between the two once again erupted, the guy sitting in the centre patted the table. “Stop! The two of you stop arguing! Do you understand what ‘even walls have ears’ mean?! Even if walls had no ears, the dead will be awakened by how loud the two of you are!”

The two of them didn’t see eye to eye; after exchanging a gaze, they snorted coldly and turned to look elsewhere. The remaining three people shrugged, long used to their arguing. Everyone would selectively turn a blind eye to their water-and-oil-esque relationship as long as they were in sync enough during their missions.

“Actually, I have something I didn’t tell you guys; our candidate can’t be Zhuo Xiao Xuan.”

“Hah? Why not? Chief you should’ve told us about something so important earlier! Why are you only telling us now?!”

“She looks pretty normal to me, how would I know one of you guys would latch onto her.”

“Chief, chief, what’s her background? Why can’t she be a candidate?”

“Cough cough, did you guys forget the surname of our military district’s Commander?”

“No way?! She’s from the Commander’s family?”

“Enh. Xiao Jun after you suggested putting her into the name list, I went to search her up. The higher-ups said that there were already plans for her in place so we better not hit her up. Everyone, let’s work a little harder and find someone else instead.”

“But chief, she really isn’t as simple as she seems! I mean I lost her even after staring straight at her…”

The guy known as the chief patted his shoulders. “Just think of it as a dream; don’t dig too into it.” When he saw that he wasn’t willing to give up on that idea, the chief tone became stern: “If you don’t find me a new candidate by the end of this week, you’ll be staying in school the entire winter break!”

At the great threat of his words, the guy immediately nodded his head. “Chief! I will search for a new one immediately, I guarantee I’ll finish the job in time!”

Zhuo Xiao Xuan didn’t expect they wouldn’t make any move when she didn’t do anything. However, she did see that male student giving her mixed looks. If she remembered correctly, that was the guy who’d attempted to tail her.

If the enemy didn’t strike, she wouldn’t strike. All her performance was capped at what a normal student could attain anyway, so she didn’t believe that the hot-headed clown would be able to sniff out anything.

A certain female however was enraged. She tugged at the certain guy’s ear, roaring: “You done looking?! This lady I’m mad! I’m officially announcing that we are breaking up; we’re done!” The school rules clearly stated that students weren’t allowed to date. Though the two seemed to be at odds on the surface, they had long gotten together secretly. Their rule-breaking actions of course was well-hidden. Not even the people in the society knew about it.

“Xiao Jing, Xiao Jing, don’t be angry. I’m just really curious how she was able to shake off my tailing. I swear to heavens I really don’t mean anything else.”

“If you didn’t mean anything else, why’re you still staring at her all day long?! You think I’m blind?! We shall and must break up!”

“Don’t, Xiao Jing, calm down. Okay okay, I promise I won’t look at her again in the future.”

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