Chapter 1

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It had been a week since Lois and Oliver had broken up because he had to leave town without her when they were really supposed to be going on a romantic trip for just the two of them. She was in a lull because of her heart being broken and it just so happened to be Valentine's Day, the worst holiday ever for her right now. The only thing that was keeping her going right now was Smallville, which really surprised her. When she really thought about it though, she didn't know why that was the case because he had always been there for her when she needed someone.

Today, she happened to be coming home from the Inquisitor and when she got to the Talon, she remembered that there was party going on there tonight so she went up to her apartment and got a few of her things so that she could leave and not have to deal with all these happy couples. She picked up her phone and made a call.


"Hey Smallville, do you mind some company? They are having a party at the Talon, and I don't feel like being around all of these happy couples at a time like this." Lois said.

"Come on over Lois. Not that it matters anyways because we both know that you were going to show up anyways." Clark said.

"So, movie night then?" Lois asked.

"Yeah, it has been a while since we have had one of those." Clark said.

"Ok, I will be there in fifteen minutes. I just need to get some clothes together." Lois said and then she hung up.

Lois went to her room and packed up a pair of pajamas and she would need a change of clothes for tomorrow. Once everything was packed, she went downstairs, and she was going to walk out of the door when something caught her attention. She turned and saw a woman with a both. Lois went over to talk to the lady because some of her items she was selling looked like some things she would be interested in.

"So, how much for this lipstick? I could use this for when I find another date." Lois said.

"I will give it to you for fifteen dollars. It is a package deal with this perfume." The lady said.

Lois smelled the perfume, and she liked the scent, so she bought the lipstick and perfume.

"Before you go, there is something that you need to know about those items though." The lady said.

"Ok, I am listening." Lois said.

"These items have certain magically powers. The perfume will raise your pheromones and the lipstick we make it so that you can find your true love. The red shade comes from the red meteor rock that is around this town." The lady said.

"Well, I can use all the help I can get. Hopefully it works like you said." Lois said as she thanked the woman and then left the Talon.

Lois like the smell of the perfume so she put some of it on before she started her car. She also wanted to try the lipstick on and see how it looked so she got the mirror out of her purse and applied some of the lipstick. She liked the shade and thought it would make her look good for her next date.

She was now on the road to the Kent farm. She knew that Clark was having a hard time with everything that was going on with Lana so she thought that they both could maybe cheer each other up. When she got to the Kent house, she parked her car in her usual spot and got all her things and went into the house. When she entered the house, she saw that Clark had already ordered some food from the local Chinese place and was setting it on the table for the two of them.

"You are a lifesaver Smallville. I am about to starve. I am going to change my clothes upstairs and then I will be down to eat." Lois said.

"I thought you would be hungry. I will have it ready once you get back down here." Clark said.

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