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The beautiful view of the summer afternoon sky was blessing my sight as I was gazing out the window of the three-storied building. Cars that were clearly very expensive were speeding along the road, heading to heaven knows where, and the chilly afternoon breeze kept sweeping my skin, finally restoring calmness to me.

"Wow, this one's actually very beautiful." Indy Ricardo, my best friend, said, breaking the calmness from absolute silence. 

I turned around to Indy who was staring at the sweetheart neckline mermaid-shaped wedding gown worn on a mannequin in front of her.

"Nah… it's very awkward, it won't suit you and it doesn't scream its expensiveness." Jade, one of Indy's extremely rich, rude, spoiled brats she called friends, commented, waving a hand dramatically with her face crumpled in disgust. 

"Yeah, I don't like it either." Claire, the other, added, clearly loathing the gown that was just perfect to me.

Why were they even here? They were going to make poor Indy spend her father's entire money on just a wedding dress. Jeez... Well, at least she didn’t care to waste money on things whether or not they were important.

I grabbed my purse from the upholster bench in the all-white room filled with lickpenny wedding dresses for sale and sauntered to them.

"I actually think it's okay." I shrugged, earning dirty looks from Jade and Claire.

"You think?" Indy smiled, her close set sky blue eyes shimmering with delight as she traced her hand on the dress, brushing her shoulder-length dark blonde hair away from her face.

"Yeah." I replied, taking a step closer to her and the witches in human form.

"No way, sweetheart. It's too cheap. Common, it's your wedding, you need to be the talk of the Town. This is pure shit." Jade scoffed, glaring at me.

"Yeah, sweetheart." Claire added, scanning the beautiful fabric from head to toe. "It doesn't even have a single diamond on it." 

"Let's take you to a better section." Jade entangled her arm with Indy's, and all three of them walked out of sight. 

"These people are simply crazy."  This was probably the 100th dress those morons hadn't liked and Indy, though she was 25, still didn't have a mind of her own.

I admired the dress for a while before heading towards the direction they left but my movement was halted by a, "hey!" My heart froze and my breath quickened at the sound of that voice. 

I twirled around and my quickened breath seized completely as Tristan Shane Hendrix sauntered to me. 

As always, anyone could tell he was bored and tired from those enchanting electric blue eyes he possessed that definitely contrasted his naturally silky black hair for his almost too perfect look.

"Hey," he snapped me out of my trance. "Where's Indy?"

Oh yeah, Indy. "She's… she's…" I glanced behind me. "I really don't know. They were all here a while ago but they went to a different section upstairs." I shrugged. Talking was seeming like the greatest and most difficult job right now because I was speaking to him. 

"Didn't she already buy a wedding dress?" I couldn't tell whether or not he frowned because his diamond-shaped face always possessed that very grim look.

"Yeah… her wedding dress got ruined accidentally." I explained.

"And it just had to happen a week before our wedding?" He scoffed. 

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