Chapter 18: You Need To Get a Thingy

Start from the beginning

"You had enough of showering?" Izzy eventually asked with his sexy rough voice.

I closed my eyes and nodded against his skin, and the water came to a stop.

"Come on, let's get dry, or soon we'll be freezing our asses off." He laughed quietly.

I let go of him and Izzy being a gentleman, opened the shower curtain for me, and when my feet hit the cold tiled floor, I wrapped my arms over my chest, feeling to cold air bite my skin.

"Do you have any towels?" I asked, turning around to look at Izzy's wide-eyed face.

"Uh... no, because I don't really... shower that much." He winced.

I lowered my eyelids. "Great," I said with as little tone as possible.

He smirked. "Well I could run out and get a sheet off the line and we can wrap ourselves in it? They are flannelette."

Yeah, what the hell.

I nodded and Izzy's grin spread as he gave me a wink and skipped out of the shower and disappeared until I heard the back door slide open. There was a small window in between the sink and toilet in the bathroom wall that looked out onto the backyard. So I could clearly see Izzy buck naked, pulling off a massive sheet and trying not to let it drag on the grass as he darted across the backyard. I heard the glass door slam shut and in came Izzy with his hands spread across the sheet, like open arms, and he walked up to me and wrapped me in it, as well as himself.

"I feel as though something's between us." He smirked as he motioned to the few layers of the sheet between our bodies.

We continued to dry ourselves, more like standing still and letting the fabric soak up the water, and make a little bit of small talk. For some reason, it was slightly awkward now.

"Um, you can keep the sheet and I'll run to get some clothes if you want," Izzy said rubbing the back of his neck, with the other hand holding up the sheet around his chest.

I had no problem with that. I wasn't very keen on running through the house naked and wet. Knowing me, I'd probably slip on the wooden floor...

"Yeah sure." I shrugged.

Izzy smirked and held up a finger. "Stay here." And he climbed out of the sheet and ran out.

It was starting to get cold, even though it was now way in the middle of the day, so I grabbed more sheet and nestled into it. I turned around slightly and looked at myself in the foggy mirror.

I looked like a blonde drowned rat.

I shoved the sheet right under my arms and tried my hardest to keep it tucked as I tousled my hair with my hands, wanting to get that beach surfy hair look. It sort of worked...

"Here you are." Izzy's voice broke my trance and when I turned and looked at him, he had ruffled his hair slightly and was wearing a thin and holey white tee shirt and some blue boxers. In his hands, he had a large black tee shirt and some Transformer printed boxers.

"Nice boxers," I smirked looking down at them.

"Yeah, well that cartoon was ground-breaking." He laughed looking down at his feet smiling; making me go weak at the knees. "I knew you'd like them so I especially got them out." He smirked looking back up again.

"Why thank you," I said whipping a hand to my chest with flattery, but as I did that I ended up letting go of the sheet around me and it dropped to my feet, and the cold air hit me like a brick.

I 'eeked' but just as I was about to pick it up, Izzy threw the black tee-shirt at me, landing right over my chest, and he moved closer to me.

"You don't have to worry about being exposed. I've already seen everything." He smirked as he whispered it into my ear, his hot breath hitting my skin, and he slithered his arms around my bare waist.

Bad Obsession (Guns N' Roses: Izzy Stradlin)Where stories live. Discover now