How You Get Back Together

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Thank you again Elizabethgaunt for this idea! It's so satisfying to end on a more positive note with these ones after yesterday's. I hope you like them x


He takes John to help him pick up flowers and to give him advice - he doesn't want to admit it, but he knows John knows exactly what to do in these situations whereas he doesn't

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He takes John to help him pick up flowers and to give him advice - he doesn't want to admit it, but he knows John knows exactly what to do in these situations whereas he doesn't. When he's fully prepared, he'll go to your place alone and as soon as you see the flowers you tell him he can't buy his way back to you. Sherlock stutters and freezes, then completely forgets John's advice so he starts to speak his own words. From his heart. You can tell he means every word, despite half of it getting lost in is rambling, so you hug him and take the flowers and let him in to talk more.


He worries all night to the point where he can't sleep

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He worries all night to the point where he can't sleep. He called your friends and they told him you are upset and angry with him, and immediately John can see why. He hasn't been the best boyfriend of late and he knows it. After throwing on the nearest clothes, he sprints to your house and begs for your forgiveness. Eyes red and puffy and face covered in blotchy hives, you can tell he's truly upset so you let him in. John lets you talk, and listens intently to everything you say. You know he listened because he tells you exactly what has to change and how he plans to change it. You spend the night crying together until you fall asleep and start fresh the next day.


Jim knows what he did is unforgivable, and there's not a thing he can say to make it right

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Jim knows what he did is unforgivable, and there's not a thing he can say to make it right. So instead of trying to tell you things will change, he shows you. It hurts when he sees you with someone new, but it takes him a few months to get his life on track again. He still takes clients and does his job, but he betters his self control. To show you, he even helped an old woman cross the street in front of you, then helped her with her shopping. His attempts make you smile, and you know that he's the one you want to be with. You start talking to him again, and see how much calmer and level headed he seems now. Like he's matured.


He got help from a professional to quit smoking, and to work on his anger

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He got help from a professional to quit smoking, and to work on his anger. He saw that this was what firstly made the argument happen, and then made it worse, so he does everything possible to prevent that happening again. He tells you of his effort and you can't help but feel proud of him, so you take your relationship slow. He truly has changed and worked on himself, and now you've both had time apart to better ourselves, you know you'll be an even stronger couple.


He had a really, really bad day concerning Sherlock, and when you find that out, you do pity him a bit

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He had a really, really bad day concerning Sherlock, and when you find that out, you do pity him a bit. He knows that it doesn't excuse his actions, but he hopes it helps you to understand them a bit. You both talk for a long time about your problems with the relationship, yourselves, and the world around you. You're civil but empathetic and sure of your words, and he is the same. In the end, you see that he is hurt by what he done, and that you don't want to lose such an intimate relationship over one argument. You tell him that you won't stand for that kind of thing ever again, and he tells you that you won't and shouldn't have to. 

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