He Thinks You're Cheating

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He'd keep his thoughts to himself for a while, working himself up and clouding his ability to deduce properly - only making him more worried and concerned

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He'd keep his thoughts to himself for a while, working himself up and clouding his ability to deduce properly - only making him more worried and concerned. After a long time of him pondering his thoughts, he'll burst in a fit of emotion, scaring you at first. When he's calmed down a bit, he explains his feelings clearer and allows you to reassure him that he's wrong (one of the rare times he's glad to admit it).


He'll be upset and angry, but will try to calm himself down before confronting you

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He'll be upset and angry, but will try to calm himself down before confronting you. After all, he knows he could be wrong and doesn't want to ruin your relationship just because he got angry at something that never happened. He trusts you, so all it takes is you to explain to him that he's wrong and he'll calm down completely and move on.


At the very moment that the thought crosses his mind, he'll bluntly tell you what he thinks

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At the very moment that the thought crosses his mind, he'll bluntly tell you what he thinks. Because he asks so early on, he's not particularly emotional as he hasn't had time to torture himself with dark thoughts. So when you tell him he's wrong, he'll laugh off the thoughts and both of you continue whatever you were doing, feeling happier.


He can't bare the thoughts in his head long before he confronts you

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He can't bare the thoughts in his head long before he confronts you. He's gentle when he does so, and is very calm as you speak. He trusts you, but if he has any doubts he'll bring them up so that you can explain to him and reassure him. He'll apologise for ever doubting you as soon as you finish, and kiss you passionately before smiling.


"I'm not angry with you

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"I'm not angry with you." That's the first thing he says before continuing to say that he knows your cheating. You're not, and you giggle a little at how he's handling the situation. He's clearly already come to accept the false fact, and so it takes him a little to understand that he's wrong before he feels embarrassed. he apologises profusely, guilty at how insecure he is and even more so at how he let his insecurities cast his doubt about you.

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