You Break Up With Him

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Thank you Elizabethgaunt for this idea! I'm so close to finishing this book (at 200 parts) so if anyone has anymore ideas they really want to see then just let me know. I hope you like this one x


Sherlock isn't a nice man when he's bored

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Sherlock isn't a nice man when he's bored. He's always irritated and rude, and even scary at times. You've asked him many times to try and find a way to let out his emotions that doesn't involve firing a gun in the flat, but, of course, it's Sherlock and he ignored you. It's like he doesn't care about how you feel, only about how he feels and whether he is entertained. You tried one last time to talk to him about it, but he was dismissive, so the next day you just packed your bags and left.


John always seemed like he wanted more

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John always seemed like he wanted more. Someone more. He used to tell you how much he loved you everyday. He used to make time for you and tell Sherlock no if he had plans. But then he started coming home late. He started sleeping with his back to you. Started talking to you like you're his maid, not his partner. You confronted him about it, and he got very defensive and angry. You're too tired and upset to fight, so instead you just left.


Jim is a terrifying man to most people, but he promised to never ever scare you like he scares them

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Jim is a terrifying man to most people, but he promised to never ever scare you like he scares them. One day he came home from work moody, and you didn't realise straight away. You were  bouncing around from room to room finishing your cleaning, and he got angry at you for what seems like no reason. You argued back with him and told him to calm down. Those two words silenced him, but in the place of words he pulled out his gun. You don't think he was going to use it - you know he wouldn't kill you. But the fact that he was going to use it to try to scare you was more than enough for you to storm past him and slam the door on your way out.


It started off as a stupid little argument where you were only concerned for his health

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It started off as a stupid little argument where you were only concerned for his health. You started to suggest he quit smoking, and then he got defensive and argued back. You wouldn't back down though, so you kept trying to explain your point until he snapped. He shouted at you to stay out of his business, so you ordered him out of your house and threw his bags out too - you'd had enough of him that night.


When you got with Mycroft, you knew he could be rude and talk down to people, but he never did that to you

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When you got with Mycroft, you knew he could be rude and talk down to people, but he never did that to you. He respected you, or so it seemed. But one night, he started to really talk down to you whenever you did anything a little wrong. Like if while washing up you banged the plates too hard it made a sound. The smallest things. It started to really make you feel worthless, and you knew he'd just continue that behaviour if you didn't intervene. When you confronted him, he got angry and walked out, so you texted him that you're over.

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