Φ Chapter 5 五 Φ

Start from the beginning

~ Timeskip • 10:46 AM ~

'All done.. Now I just have to-' You started but was cut off by Soma greeting you.

Soma: "Goodmorning Y/N-senpai, what are you doing?" He asked before yawning and stretching.

Y/N: "Soma, perfect timing, I just finished making breakfast." You said as you placed his plate down the table as he sat down on a chair.

Soma: "Woah, How'd you make this? Theres barely anything left in the fridge or the pantry?" He asked as he took a bite of the food

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Soma: "Woah, How'd you make this? Theres barely anything left in the fridge or the pantry?" He asked as he took a bite of the food.

Y/N: "Eggs benedict's are really to cook when you have the right ingredients, I just used some leftovers from the pantry and fridge." You said as you ate.

"Anyways, I'll be leaving in a bit.. I won't be able to evaluate any dish samples you make at the moment, So I do hope you got the recipe from yesterday." You said as you finished eating and put your plate on the sink as you washed it clean.

Soma: "Yeah I think i got it?"

Y/N: "You better, anyways I'll be taking my leave." You said as you started walking to the exit

Soma: "Wait, You're leaving already?" He asked making you look at him.

Y/N: "Yeah, If I leave now, I can get to Totsuki before noon, plus, I have some plans for today."

Soma: "Okay, Well tell them I said hi.. I guess" He said, kind of feeling disappointed.

Y/N: "Yeah sure, By the way, I trust you'll take care of the karaage issue here right?"

Soma: "Yeah, leave it to me senpai!" He assured, making you nod in agreement and walk out the door to the empty street of Sumire District with only a couple students walking through.

~ Timeskip • Shopping Plaza ~

'I should probably get some karaage before going back, I'd let down Yoshino if I didn't' You thought as you walked to Mozuya's karaage

Mozuya: "Welcome welcome, Mozuya's karaag-" She cut herself off as she saw you.

"You again, What do you want?" She said but you ignored her and went inside as you follow the short line of people to the counter.

After awhile, It was finally you're turn to order. You were greeted by the staff as they asked you what you wanted. Seeing many options, You had a hard time deciding what to pick.

'Hmm.. There's so many options.. I guess..'
You thought as you then said what your order was.

Y/N: "I'll have... one box of everything, please." You requested putting the cashier in a state of disbelief..

After that, You walked out of Mozuya with three big bags of karaage at hand as you bought a ticket from the train station.

~ Timeskip • Polar Star Dormitory ~

Seat Zero ( FoodWars x Male Reader )Where stories live. Discover now