07: henry

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"How did you decide you wanted to be a quarterback? Wasn't your father a lineman?" Stacey asks and it takes everything in me to not just run away from her. Run away from it all really. The click of Mira's heels is driving me crazy—actually she is driving me crazy because she shouldn't be here today. Her house fucking burned last night because someone broke in and intentionally did it.

We got into a semi-heated argument this morning that only ended because Wilson stepped in.

"Where are you going?" I ask Mirabelle as she slips into her heels. I just finished making my protein shake and am about to head to the stadium.

She looks at me questioningly, "Um work?"

"I thought you were taking the day off."

Mirabelle raises her eyebrows, "One hundred percent sure I never said that so I don't know why you think that's happening."

"I don't know? Maybe because your house was on fire last night and there's someone who probably hoped you were in it?" I say bluntly and her eyes flash.

"Well I wasn't in it. I don't see any reason why I can't go to work."

"Mira, just take the day."

"I thought you of all people would get it Henry. All those other interns are just waiting for me to fail. We've been in the office for two weeks. I can't take the day off if I still want to have a job." She says exasperatedly and I straighten.

"I do get it and I still think you should take the day off. I'm not going to be there to keep an eye on you all day."

Mirabelle takes a step back and I realize quickly that I've said the wrong thing. "Well I'm sorry I'm such a big fucking inconvenience for you. No one is making you keep an eye on me. If anything, it's my job to keep an eye on you since you can't seem to get your shit together in front of the cameras." We've never really argued before. That's been her job with her brothers. I'm the one she comes to for relief from fighting with them when our families are together which realistically was all the time growing up.


She grabs her bag, "You are being an ass. A fucking ass Henry. You're not my dad or my brother so you don't get to tell me what to do."

"I'm not being an ass, I'm looking out for you!" I hiss, my shortened temper getting the best of me and Mirabelle glares at me.

"What the hell are you guys yelling about at seven in the fucking morning?" Wilson asks, stepping into the kitchen.

"She's being unreasonable."

Mirabelle scoffs, "Oh, I'm the one being unreasonable? You're the one with a giant stick up your ass because you're being an ass!"

"Oh my god will you both just shut up? It's too early for this." Wilson says, shooting a look at me as if I'm the one to blame.

I drag a hand through my hair, frustrated that she isn't listening to what I have to say. I grab my keys and leave without another word because I don't trust myself not to continue arguing with her.

Did I really need to pick a fight with Mirabelle about this? No. I'm just worried about her.

Last night was a lot for anyone to handle and I get wanting to act like nothing happened, but something did happen. I've had this pit in my stomach since last night that someone was trying to hurt Mira. I know it's probably easier for her to not acknowledge that's a possibility, but I haven't been able to stop thinking about it.

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